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PTA| One Mark Qustion| Pdf|10th class|social


Human geography refers to the study of ways of development of human societies and their operation in relation to their physical environment. This chapter focuses on the distribution, characteristics and utilisation of different resources in Tamil Nadu. We have studied earlier that the earth is endowed with a
variety of natural resources such as landforms, rivers, soil, natural vegetation, water and wildlife.These resources are useful only when they are
utilised. Human beings use these resources using their intelligence and skill. Thus, the human beings are the most significant resource on the earth surface. They turn all these natural resources into useful products with their skills and abilities.


The word "agriculture" is derived from the Latin words "ager and cultura", which means field and growing. Agriculture is a practice of farming that includes the cultivation of crops, rearing of animals, birds, forestry, fisheries and other related activities. Agriculture is the major occupation in Tamil Nadu. Agriculture
has been the mainstay of the state’s economy since independence with more than 65% of the population depends upon this sector for their living. Agriculture provides employment for rural people on a large scale. There is a strong
link between agriculture and economic growth. Paddy, millets and pulses are the principal food crops of the state. Sugarcane, cotton, sunflower, coconut, cashew, chillies, gingelly, groundnut, tea, coffee, cardamom and rubber are the major
commercial crops.

  Geographical determinants of Agriculture

Landform, climate, soil and irrigation are the factors that determine the growth of agriculture.


Tamil Nadu is a land of diverse landscape comprising of hills, plateaus and plains.
Among them the plains are most suitable for agriculture. The plains with alluvial soil enhances agricultural productivity. Example: Plains of cauvery. Agriculture in the plateau is moderate and is poor on the hills.


Tamil Nadu is situated in the tropical zone, which is nearer to the equator. The state experiences a tropical climate. Hence, the temperature in Tamil Nadu is relatively high almost throughout the year. So, only the tropical crops are cultivated. Water is another limiting factor of agriculture. Northeast monsoon is
the major source of rainfall for Tamil Nadu.Therefore, the major cropping season begins with this season. The rainfall in this season and the irrigation facilities affect agriculture to a large extent.


Soil is one of the most essential elements of agriculture. It provides essential minerals or nutrients for the growth of crops and vegetation. The regions of river valleys and the coastal plains are the most agriculturally productive regions of the state as they are covered with fertile alluvial soil


Monsoon rainfall in the state is highly irregular. Further it is seasonal. Hence, irrigation becomes necessary for successful cultivation of crops in the state. In the dry regions, rain-fed crops are cultivated.

PTA| One Mark Qustion |Pdf|10th class|social



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