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1. Latin America protested the --------------------- of USA
2. The trees of the Alpine forests are called --------------------- trees
3. The difference between the value of exports and imports is called ---------------------
4. India conducted its first nuclear test at ---------------------
5. --------------------- foundation from USA introduced the HYV in India
6. The new state of Albania was created according to the Treaty of --------------------- sign in May 1913
7. The soil which is rich in Iron oxide is ---------------------
8. The most abundant source of energy is ---------------------
9. --------------------- is a buffer country between India and China
10. --------------------- is an important indicator of Nutrition deficiency
11. Kattabomman was hanged to Death at ---------------------
12. --------------------- established Congress Radio underground during the Quit India Movement
13. The plateau which lies between the Nilgiri and the Dharmapuri district is ---------------------
14. Satharur Dam is constructed across the river ---------------------
15. Secondary sector is otherwise called as ---------------------
16. In the battle of Tannenberg --------------------- suffered heavy losses
17. --------------------- is the Tamil Nadu state animal
18. The constitution of India envisages a --------------------- government
19. In the year --------------------- National food security act was passed by the Indian Parliament
20. --------------------- was known as the “Father of Modern China”
21. The palayakkarars system was introduced in Tamil Nadu by ---------------------
22. --------------------- Crop is called as “Golden Fibre “ in India
23. The concept of constitution was first originate in ---------------------
24. Lockerno Treaty was signed in the year ---------------------
25. A line joining the places of equal rainfall ---------------------
26. The longest dam in the world is ---------------------
27. The first woman governor of Tamilnadu ---------------------
28. The goods and service tax act came into effect on ---------------------
29. --------------------- was declared the new Sultan by the rebels in Vellore Fort
30. --------------------- is the largest drainage system of India
31. --------------------- is suitable for the cultivation of tea and coffee plants
32. --------------------- was India’s policy in the face of the bipolar order of the Cold War
33. The term Globalisation was invented by ---------------------
34. The major tribal revolt which took place in chota Nagpur region was ---------------------
35. River --------------------- is called vridha Ganga
36. The scientific study of population is called ---------------------
37. The Ex officio chairperson of Rajya Sabha is ---------------------
38. --------------------- sector is the growth engine of Indian economy
39. The National Institute of Wind Energy is located in ---------------------
40. The Political Leader of Mahatma Gandhi is ---------------------
41. The wettest place in Tamilnadu ---------------------
42. The lawyer who helped in Gandhiji in Chambaran ---------------------
43. India built the --------------------- to link Kathmandu and India
44. --------------------- High Court building is the Second largest Judicial Complex in the World after London
45. The river Ganga originates as --------------------- from the Gangothiri Glacier
46. JackFruit is the popular seasonal agricultural product of --------------------- Hills
47. Parlimentary Budget Session are held from --------------------- to ---------------------
48. The first of the Three Dimensions of Poverty Index is ---------------------
49. --------------------- attained Martyrdom for the cause of forest Dwellers
50. --------------------- in the coast is called as the Garden of Southern India
51. A strip of land --------------------- belongs to India on West Bengal and B angladesh border
52. --------------------- wrote the book Poverty and Un – British Rule of India
53. The largest concentrations of wind Farm Capacity at a single location in the world is ---------------------
54. The Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangam was founded by ---------------------
55. National Hydro Electric Power Corporation is located in ---------------------
56. --------------------- of the constitution is known as the Mini Constitution
57. The --------------------- can only cast his vote in the Rajia Sabha
58. Nobel Laureate Indian Economist ---------------------
59. The first female ruler to resist the British Colonial power in India is ---------------------
60. --------------------- became the president of the congress by defeating Pattabi Sitaramayya




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