Book Inside Two Marks Questions & Answers
1. Write a note on Trust
A trust is an industrial organisation engaged in the production or distribution of any commodity. The trust would possess adequate control over the supply and price of that commodity to its own advantage.
2. Write a note on Pravda.
Pravda is a Russian word meaning “Truth”. It was the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1991.
3. Write a note on Gold Standard.
Gold Standard is a monetary system where a country’s currency or paper money carried a value directly linked to gold.
4. Write a note on Fascism.
Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultra-nationalism, characterised by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
5.What is called Decolonisation?
Decolonisation is a process through which colonial powers transferred institutional and legal control over their colonies to the indigenous nationalist governments.
6. Who were called Boers
The descendents of original Dutch settlers of South Africa, also known as Afrikaners, were called Boers. Their language is Afrikaans.
7.What is called Apartheid?
Apartheid in South Africa Apartheid, which means separateness. The whole country was divided into separate areas for the different races. Marriage between white and non-white was forbidden. Nearly all schools were brought under government control so that education different from that of the Whites could be implemented for Africans. University education was also segregated. Apartheid is based on the belief that the political equality of White and Black in South Africa would mean Black rule.
8. What is called Holocaust ?
The word ‘holocaust’ is used to describe the genocide of nearly six million Jews by the Germans during World War II. Annihilating the Jews was one of the main items on the political agenda of Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler was able to play on the anti-Jewish feelings (anti-Semitism) which were common in Germany and, in fact, throughout Europe.
9.What is called Cold War
Cold War: The rivalry that developed after World War II between the US and the USSR and their respective allies created tension which is referred to as Cold War. They did not take recourse to weapons. Instead they waged war on political, economic and ideological fronts.
10. Write a note on Zionist Movement
Zionist Movement: In Palestine, the ancient home of Jews, only a few thousand Jews were living in 1900. Some 15 million were scattered around Europe and North America. The Jewish State in which he called for the creation of a Jewish national home. In 1897 the World Zionist Organisation was founded.
11. Write a note on Palestine Liberation Organization(PLO)
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)- It is an umbrella political organization representing the world’s
Palestinians – all Arabs and their descendants who lived in mandated Palestine before the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. It was formed in 1964 to federate various Palestinian groups that previously had operated as clandestine resistance movements. Yasser Arafat was its most prominent leader.
12. Write a note on Berlin Wall.
People in East Berlin suffered from lack of democracy and freedom. Therefore, people of East Berlin moved to West Berlin in large numbers. East Germany began to construct a wall in 1961 which virtually cut off West Berlin from East Berlin and the surrounding East German areas. It was heavily guarded with watch towers and other lethal impediments to stop people from the East. A mass of people assembled on 9 November 1989 on both sides of the wall and began to demolish it. Germany was officially reunited on 3 October 1990.
13.Write a note on Perestroika
Perestroika (‘restructuring’) refers to the programme introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980s to restructure Soviet economic and political system. Along with the policy of ‘Glasnost’ (‘openness), Perestroika was intended to energize Soviet economy which was lagging behind the developed countries of the capitalist world
14. Write a note on Glasnost
Glasnost (‘openness’) was a policy of ideologically openness introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev along with Perestroika in the 1980s. Under Glasnost there was more openness, writers who had been censored earlier wererehabilitated, and there was space for criticism of politics and government.
15. Write a note on“Aligarh movement,”
“Aligarh movement,” is so called because it was centred around the Aligarh Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental collegefounded by him in 1875, which is a landmark in the history of Indian Muslim education. The college was raised tothe status of a university in 1920.
16. Write a note on Ondiveeran
Ondiveeran: Ondiveeran led one of the army units of Puli Thevar. Fighting by the side of Puli Thevar, he causedmuch damage to the Company’s army. According to oral tradition, in one battle, Ondiveeran’s hand was choppedoff and Puli Thevar was saddened. But Ondiveeran said it was a reward for his penetration into enemy’s fort causingmany heads to roll.
17. Write a note on Kuyili
Kulii a faithful friend of Velunachiyar, is said to have led the unit of women soldiers named after Udaiyaal.Udaiyaal was a shepherd girl who was killed for not divulging information on Kuyili. Kuyili is said to havewalked into the British arsenal (1780) after setting herself on fire, thus destroying all the ammunition.
18. Write a note on Dyarchy system.
Dyarchy, a system of dual government introduced under the Government of India Act 1919, divided the powers ofthe provincial government into Reserved and Transferred subjects. The Reserved Subjects comprising finance,defence, the police, justice, land revenue, and irrigation were in the hands of the British. The Transferred Subjectsthat included local self-government, education, public health, public works, agriculture, forests and fisheries wereleft under the control of Indian ministers. The system ended with the introduction of provincial autonomy in 1935.
19. Write a note on The Mountbatten Plan
Lord Mountbatten was sent as Viceroy to India with the specific task of transfer of power. On 3 June 1947 theMountbatten Plan was announced. Power would be transferred on the basis of dominion status to India andPakistan. „ Princely states would have to join either India or Pakistan.
20. Write a note on The Madras Presidency
Tamil Nadu was then part of the Madras Presidency which included large parts of the present-day states ofAndhra Pradesh (Coastal districts and Rayalaseema), Karnataka (Bengaluru, Bellary, South Canara), Kerala(Malabar) and even Odisha (Ganjam).
21.Write a note on “Rosaappu Durai”
George Joseph: George Joseph, a barrister and eloquent speaker, played a leading role in organising andpublicising the cause of Home Rule League in Madurai. Though born in Chengannur (Alappuzha district, KeralaState), he chose to settle down in Madurai and practice as a people’s lawyer. He was fondly called “RosaappuDurai” by the people of Madurai .
22. Write a note on Kula Kalvi Thittam.
Rajaji, the Chief Minister of Madras State (1952–54), introduced a vocational education programme thatencouraged imparting school children with training in tune with their father’s occupation. Periyar criticised it asKula Kalvi Thittam (caste-based education scheme) and opposed it tooth and nail. His campaigns against it led tothe resignation of Rajaji.
23.Write a note on The devadasi Abolition Act .
In 1930, Muthulakshmi Ammaiyar introduced in the Madras Legislative Council a Bill on the “prevention of thededication of women to Hindu temples in the Presidency of Madras”. The Bill, which later became the DevadasiAbolition Act, declared the “pottukattu ceremony” in the precincts of Hindu temples or any other place of worshipunlawful, gave legal sanction to devadasis to contract marriage, and prescribed a minimum punishment of fiveyears’ imprisonment for those found guilty of aiding and abetting the devadasi system.
1. What are the major Physiographic Divisions of India?
India is divided into the following five physiographic divisions: 1. The Northern Mountains 2. The Northern Plains
3. The Peninsular plateau 4. The Coastal Plains 5. The Islands
2.What are the major passes in the Himalayas?
The major passes in the Himalaya are Karakoram pass (Jammu and Kashmir), Zojila pass, Shipkila pass(Himachal Pradesh), Bomdila pass (Arunachal Pradesh), Nathula pass and Jhelepla pass (Sikkim),The Khyber pass and Bolan pass
3.What is called Equable climate?
Equable climate is also called as the British climate, Which is neither too hot nor too cold.
4.What are the types of natural vegetation of India ?
The types of natural vegetation of India are Tropical Evergreen Forests, Tropical Deciduous Forests, Tropical Dry Forests ,Mountain Forests and Mangrove Forests.
5. Write a note on Alpine Forest
Alpine Forest It occurs all along the Himalayas with above 2400 m altitude. These are purely having coniferoustrees. Oak, silver fir, pine and juniper are the main trees of these forests. The eastern parts of Himalayas has largeextent of these forests.
6.Write a note on Project Tiger
Project Tiger was launched in April 1973 with the aim to conserve tiger population in specifically constituted
“Tiger Reserves” in India.
7. What are the main problems of the Indian soils?
The main problems of the Indian soils are i) soil erosion (sheet erosion, Rill erosion, Gully erosion, Ravine andBadland) ii) Degradation of Soil, iii) Water-logging, iv) Saline and Alkaline, and v) Salt Flats, types of soils aredifferent erosion.
8.What are the methods of Conservation and Management of Soil?
Methods of Conservation and Management of Soil
1. Afforestation 2. Constructing Dams and Barrages 3. Prevention of Overgrazing
4. Improved methods of Agricultural practices
Contour method, Rotation of crops, Contour bunding, Strip cropping, Planting of shelter belts, Adopting thetechniques of sustainable agriculture are different conservation methods for better soil management.
9. What are the main sources of irrigation used in different parts of the country?
The main sources of irrigation used in different parts of the country are Canal irrigation ,Well irrigation andTank irrigation.
10. What are the Modern irrigation methods practiced in India?
There are many ways in Modern Irrigation. India are drip irrigation, sprinklers and Rain Gun and central pivotirrigation.
11.What is called Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)?
This has been implemented to get more production by using water saving and conservation technologies.
12. What is called Terrace Farming ?
This type of cultivation is practiced specially in hilly areas, where lands are of sloping nature. The hill andmountain slopes are cut to form terraces and the land is used in the same way as in permanent agriculture. Sincethe availability of flat land is limited, terraces are made to provide small patches of level land.
E.g : Tea,Cofffee
13. How is livestock census conducted in Tamil Nadu?
State Government is conducting Livestock Census with the help of Department of Animal Husbandry at state leveland Regional Joint Director at Distric level under the guidelines of Government of India Ministry of Agricultureand farmers welfare, Department of Animal Husbandary Dairying and Fisheries.
15. What are the Major Crops Cultivated in India?
The major crops of India are divided into four major categories as follows:
1. Food crops (wheat, maize, rice, millets, pulses etc.).
2. Cash crops (sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, jute, oilseeds etc.).
3. Plantation crops (tea, coffee and rubber).
4. Horticulture crops (fruits, flowers and vegetables).
17. What are the organisations associated with minerals in India?
The organisations associated with minerals in India are
1. The Geological Survey of India Headquarter is at Calcutta
2. Indian Bureau of Mines Headquarter at Nagpur
3. Non-Ferrous Material Technology Development Centre NFTDC, Hyderabad.
4. The Ministry of Mines is responsible for the administration of all mines and minerals (Development andRegulation Act, 1957).
19. Write a short note on Sail.
SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited): The Ministry of Steel is responsible for planning and development ofiron and steel industry in India.
20. Write a short note on Moil .
MOIL- Manganese Ore India Limited state-owned manganese-ore mining company headquartered in Nagpur.With a market share of 50%. It was the largest producer of manganese ore in India.
21. What is called Bauxite?
Bauxite is an oxide of aluminium; the name has been derived after the French word Le Baux.
22. Write a short note on GAIL.
GAIL (formerly known as Gas Authority of India Limited) is the largest state-owned natural gas processing anddistribution company in India. It is headquartered in New Delhi.
23. What is meant by CNG?
Compressed natural gas (CNG) (methane stored at high pressure) is a fuel which can be used in place of gasoline,diesel fuel and propane/LPG. In comparison to other fuels, natural gas poses less of a threat in the event of a spill,because it is lighter than air and disperses quickly when released.
24. Write a short note on Wind Energy.
Tamil nadu has the largest installation of wind turbines in the country in the Aralvoimozhi area nearKanniyakumari is the largest concentrations of wind farm capacity at a single location in the world. The NationalInstitute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai was established in Tamil Nadu in 1998 as an autonomous institution.
25. Why is Chennaai called Detroit of Asia?
Chennai is nicknamed as the “Detroit of Asia” due to the presence of major automobile manufacturing units andallied industries around the city.
26. Write a short note on Make in India.
Make in India program was launched in 2014 to put India on the world map as a major hub for global design andmanufacturing.
27.Write a short note on Cencus.
Census Population census is the total process of collecting, compiling, analysing or otherwise disseminatingdemographic, economic and social data pertaining, at a specific time, of all persons in a country or a well-definedpart of a country. It happens in an interval of ten years.
28. What are the uses of Cencus ?
The data collected through the census are used for administration, planning, policy making as well as management andevaluation of various programmes by the government.
29. What is called Sex Ratio?
Sex Ratio is defined as the number of females per 1000 male population.
30. Write a short note on NHAI.
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was established in 1995. It is an autonomous body under theMinistry of Surface Transport.
31. Write a short note on Pichavaram mangrove forest
Pichavaram mangrove forest is located near Chidambaram, Cuddalore district. This is the second largest mangroveforest in the world covering about 1,100 hectares (11 of area. It is separated from the Bay of Bengal by asandbar. It consists of species like Avicennia and RhizophoraPichavaram mangrove forest is located nearChidambaram, Cuddalore district. This is the second largest mangrove forest in the world covering about 1,100hectares (11 of area. It is separated from the Bay of Bengal by a sandbar. It consists of species likeAvicennia and Rhizophora.
32. What are the Role of Mangroves in Coastal Zone Management
Role of Mangroves in Coastal Zone Management:- Mangroves helps in the prevention of coastal erosion fromwaves and storms. It also protects coral reefs and sea grass meadows from being smothered in sediments.
33. Write the Biosphere Reserves in Tamil Nadu
Biosphere Reserves in Tamil Nadu:-
1. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve 2. Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve 3. Agasthiyarmalai Biosphere Reserve.
34.What are the methods of water conservation?
Some methods of water conservation : Protection of water from pollution; redistribution of water; rational use ofgroundwater; population control; renovation of traditional water sources; use of modern irrigation methods;increasing forest cover; changing crop pattern; flood management and use of geothermal water are some of themajor water conservation methods.
35. Write a short note onTANTEA
TANTEA (TANTEA-Tamil Nadu Tea Plantation Corporation Limited) is one of the Biggest Black Tea Producersin India with high quality clonal tea. Its plantation spreads over nearly 4500 hec.
36. Write a short note on Aavin.
Tamil Nadu Dairy Development Corporation Ltd. was transformed into the newly registered Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers Federation Limited Popularly known as “Aavin”.
37. Write a short note on GI Tag.
GI Tag GI(Geographical Indication)is a name or sign used on products which corresponds to a specificgeographical location. It provides rights and protection of holders.
38. Nname some list of IT parks in Tamilnadu.
The list of IT parks in Tamil Nadu Tidel Park, Ascendas, Mahindra world city 4 IT & ITES SEZ TIDEL-II, IT &ITES SEZ TIDEL-III, Coimbatore SEZ - Tidel Park.
39. Write a short note on NH-44
NH - 44 is the longest national highway in Tamil Nadu which runs from Hosur to Kanniyakumari (627.2 km) ViaDharmapuri-Salem-KarurDindigul-Madurai-Tirunelveli.
Imports of Tamil Nadu Machineries like transport equipment, machine tools, non-electrical machinery, electricalmachinery, pharmaceutical products, petroleum, fertilizers and newsprint are its major imports. T
40.What are Imports of Tamil Nadu?
Machineries like transport equipment, machine tools, non-electrical machinery, electrical machinery,pharmaceutical products, petroleum, fertilizers and newsprint are its major imports.
1.What are the Preamble of our Constitution?
The term ‘preamble’ refers to the introduction or preface to the Constitution. It consists of the ideals, objectivesand basic principles of the Constitution. It has great value and has been described as the ‘key to the Constitution’.
2.What are the Parliament Session ?
Parliament Session Budget Session February to May, Monsoon Session July to September and Winter SessionNovember to December.
3. Write a short note onThe High Court in British rule.
The High Court of Madras is the one of the three High Courts in India established in the three Presidency Townsof Bombay, Calcutta and Madras by letters patent granted by Queen Victoria, bearing date 26 June 1862. The HighCourt building is the second largest judicial complex in the world after London.
4. List out Directive Principles of India’s foreign policy.
The state shall endeavour to Promote International peace and security ,Maintain just and honourable relationsbetween nations, Foster respect for international law and international organisation , Encourage settlement ofinternational disputes by arbitration.
5. Write a short note on The Teen Bigha Corridor.
The Teen Bigha Corridor is a strip of land belonging to India on the West Bengal– Bangladesh border, which wasleased to Bangladesh in 2011.
6. Write a short note on McMahon Line.
McMahon Line: This is the boundary line between India and China, east of Bhutan. It was determined 1914 at aconference of representatives of British India, Tibet and China. The Secretary of State for India (in BritishCabinet), Arthur Henry McMahon, represented British India at the Conference.
1. What is called Human Development Index?
Human Development Index In 1990 Mahbub ul Haq, a Pakistani Economist at the United Nations, introduced theHuman Development Index (HDI). The HDI is a composite index of life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rate andstandard of living measured as a logarithmic function of GDP, adjusted to purchasing power parity
2. What are the four pillars of Gross National Happiness (GNH)
The four pillars of GNH's are 1. sustainable and equitable socio-economic development 2. environmentalconservation 3. preservation and promotion of culture 4. good governance.
3.Write a short note on World Trade Organization(WTO):
World Trade Organization(WTO): Head Quarter: Geneva, Switzerland Purpose: Regulation, International trade
Members of WTO: Director General, Four Deputy Director General, and other 600 Official Staff from around 80member countries.
4.What is called Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) A concept related to purchasing power is purchasing price parity (PPP). PPP is aneconomic theory that estimates the amount that needs to be adjusted to the price of an item.
5. What is called Progressive tax ?
Progressive tax rate is one in which the rate of taxation increases (multiplier) as the tax base increases(multiplicand). In the case of a progressive tax, When income increases, the tax rate also increases.
6. What is called Proportionate taxes?
Proportionate taxes Tax levied on goods and service in a fixed portion is known as proportionate taxes. All taxpayers contribute the same proportion of their incomes.
7. What is called Regressive Taxes ?
Regressive Taxes It implies that higher the rate of tax lower the income groups than in the case of higher incomegroups. It is a very opposite of progressive taxation.
8. Write a short note on SIPCOT.
SIPCOT (State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu) - was formed in the year 1971 to promoteindustrial growth in the state by setting up industrial estates.
9. List out the Special Economic Zones
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) A policy was introduced in April 2000 for the settling up of special Economic
Zones in the country with a view to a hassle-free environment for exports. Accordingly, the government hasconverted Export Processing Zones located at following places.
1. Nanguneri SEZ – A multi product SEZ,
2.Thirunelveli Ennore SEZ – Thermal power project, Vayalur
3.Coimbatore SEZ – IT Parks
10.What is called Startup India Scheme?
Startup India Scheme (Launched 16-Jan2016): Startup India Scheme is an initiative of the Indian government, theprimary objective of which is the promotion of startups, generation of employment and wealth creation.
11. What is called Standup India Scheme?
Standup India Scheme (Launched 5-April-2016): Standup India Scheme is to facilitate bank loans between `10lakh and `1 crore to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and one woman borrowerper bank branch for setting up a greenfield enterprise.
10th class social|Book Inside Two Marks Questions & Answers
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