1.Name the hill stations located in Himalayas
❖ Simla
❖ Musouri
❖ Nainital
❖ Ranicat
❖ Darjaling
2.Define Pichavaram mangrove forest
❖ Located near Chidambaram , cuddalore district
❖ The second largest mangrove forest in the world
❖ Separated from the Bay of Bengal by a sand bar
❖ Consists of species like Avicennia and Rhizophora
3.What is the role of Mangroves in Coastal Zone Management ,?
❖ Prevents the coastal erosion from waves and storms
❖ Protects coral reefs and grass medows from being smothered in sediments
4.Mention some of the Biosphere reserves in Tamilnadu
❖ Niligiri Biosphere Reserve
❖ Gulf of Mannar Biosphere
❖ Agasthiyamalai Biosphere Reserve
5.write about the soil conservation and soil management
❖ Afforestation
❖ Constructing Dams and Barrages
❖ Prevention of Overgrazing
❖ Improved methods of agricultural practices
6.Write down the methods of water conservation
❖ Protection of water from pollution
❖ Redistribution of water
❖ Rational use of groundwater
❖ Renovation of traditional sources
7. write a short note on Second Green Revolution
❖ Synthetic fertilizers, Pesticides, Growth regulator and livestock feed additives are not used.
8. Write a short note on Organic Farming
❖ To promote organic farming a
central scheme named National
Project on Organic farming was
❖ Creating awareness, promoting
organic fertilizers, training,
capacity building etc.
9. Define TANTEA
❖ TANTEA – Tamilnadu Tea Plantation Corporation Ltd
❖ One of the biggest black tea producers in India with high quality clonal tea.
10. Write a short note on Aavin
❖ Tamilnadu dairy development corporation limited was transformed into the newly registered Tamilnadu Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited.
❖ It is popularly known as Aavin
11. What is GI Tag?
❖ GI ( Gergraphical Indication )is a name or sign used on products which corresponds to a specific geographical location.
❖ Eg. Kanchipuram – Silk Erode - Turmeric
12. Name some major I T Parks in Tamilnadu
❖ Mahindra World City
❖ Tidel park -- Chennai
❖ Tidel Park -- Coimbatore
❖ SEZ -- Coimbatore
❖ Ascendas
13. Write a short note on Casting Vote
❖ The Vice President can only cast his vote when there is a tie over the bill in the Rajyasabha
15. Define McMohan line
❖ The boundary line between Indiaa nd China, east of Bhutan
❖ It was determined in 1914 at a conference of representatives of British India, Tibet and China
16. What is the estimation of GDP?
❖ The central statistical organization under the Ministry of Statistical Department keeps the record.
❖ It is a process involves conducting an annual survey of industries and compilation of various indexes.
Key words
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