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1. Discuss how the age of speculation made humans 

become conscious and knowledgeable.

2. List out the features of megalithic burial types.

3. State the saliant features of the Ziggurats.

4. Humurabi code is an important legal document. explain.

5. How important are coins as a source of evidence for the study of Sangam age.

6. Agriculture was one of the main source of subsistence in Sangam age. give reasons.


7. Write about Hinayana and Maharana

8. Elaborate the term Tri ratans.

9. Write about St. Sophia cathedral.

10. The great Wall of China.

11. Impact of crusades.

12. Write about the military expeditions of Malik Kafur.


13. Who founded the Vijayanagar Kingdom. mention the Dynasties that ruled over the kingdom.

14. What is sericulture?

15. Write a short note on the impact of Renaissance.

16. Write a brief note on Counter Reformation.

17. What is Columbian Exchange?

18. Point out the significance of the Boston tea party.


19. Attempt and account of September massacres.

20. Explain the composition of three states of France.

21. What were the taxes the peasants have to pay in France on the eve of revolution?

22. Attempt a note on Haymarket massacre.

23. Highlight any two important results of industrial revolution.

24. Distinguish between colonialism and imperialism.

25. State the three phases in the colonialisation of Indian economy.


1. Write a brief note on the various Spheres of the earth.

2. Mention the layers of the interior of the earth.

3. What is tsunami?

4. Write about the Pacific ring of fire.

5. What is a volcano? Mention its major components.

6. Define weathering



7. What do you mean by biological weathering?

8. What are ox-bow lakes?

9. List out any four karst topographical areas found in India.

10. Define atmosphere.

11. Mention the factors that affect the climate.

12. Write short note on lapse rate.


13. Mention the various relief features of ocean floor.

14. What is biosphere?

15. What is the term biodiversity mean?

16. What do you mean by the term density of population?

17. What is black death?

18. Define census.


19. What is a map?

20. what are the components of a map?

21. Define remote sensing.

22. what are the components of remote sensing?

23. Who are the community's first responders to disaster?

24. How many males and females die per day due to fire in India?



1. Give Abraham Lincoln's definition for democracy.

2. Mention the forms of democracy.

3. Distinguish between direct and indirect democracy

4. Explain the electral system in India.

5. Give the meaning of political party.

6. Distinguish between two partic system and multi party system.

DAY 10

7. What is human rights?

8. What are the fundamental rights?

9. Define pocso.

10. Differentiate fundamental rights and human rights.

11. List out the types of constitution.

12. Write down the differences between unitary form of a government and federal form of government.


DAY 11

13. Name the taxes levied by the village panchayat.

14. What are the benefits of wearing helmet while driving.

15. List out the factors of road accident.

16. List out any three road safety rules.


DAY 12

1. What are the indicators of development.

2. Expand the following : PPP HDI NNP PCI

3. What is solar power?

4. What are the three sectors of an economy?

5. What is ancient money?

6. What is spies route?why was it called so?

7. What is natural money?

8. Why was money invented?

DAY 13

9. Give two examples for each food crops and non foodcrops.

10. Who monitors the quantity and quality of groundwater.

11. Differentiate between small and marginal formers.

12. Enlist reasons for migration.

13. What are the major factors responsible for female

migrants in India.

14. Name for districts in Tamilnadu which records low

number of immigration.

DAY 14


1. The developments in the fields of agriculture, pottery andmetal tools are considered a landmark in the life of Megalithic period-Substantiate.

2. The history of humans is closely related to the history of the earth. Elucidate.

3. Write about the hidden treasure of Indus civilisation.

DAY 15

4. Indicate how the industries and crafts of the Sangam Age contribute to their economy.

5. Compare and contrast the principles of Jainism and Buddhism

6. Write about crusades and its impact.

7. Who were the Mongols? How did they rule China?


DAY 16

8. “Chola Period was a enterprising period in the history ofTamil Nadu” – Elucidate.

9. Examine the outcome of the geographical discoveries.

10. Highlight the contribution of French Philosophers to the Revolution of 1789.

DAY 17

11. What were the effects of Industrial Revolution of

England on India?

12. Discuss the economic impact of British Rule in India.

DAY 18


1.Describe the structure of the Earth

2. Explain the effects of Volcanoes

3. Write a note on weathering classify and explain.

DAY 19

4. What is a glacier? Explain its types.

5. Write a paragraph about the structure of the atmosphere.

6. How are clouds classifi ed? Explain them

DAY 20

7. Explain the various components of ecosystem.

8. Explain the factors affecting the distribution of population.

9. Explain the major uses of GPS? Explain about any one.

DAY 21

10. Write three sentences about what to do during fire.



11. What are the challenges to Indian democracy? Explain

12. Discuss merits and demerits of direct elections?

DAY 22

13. What are fundamental duties? How would you follow these in your school premises?

14. Write about the presidential form of government and what is the difference between presidential and parliamentary forms of government.

15. Describe the major problems & challenges faced by the local self governments.

16. Explain in detail: The road safety rules

DAY 23

17. Differentiate between renewable and non renewable resources.

18. Mention any five environmental acts and their action.

19. Explain: (a) primary sector; (b) secondary sector;(c)tertiary sector

DAY 24

20. Explain in detail about the role of RBI in the country.

21. Give a note on the water resources of Tamil Nadu

22. Discuss the patterns of migration.


DAY 25


1. Core and crust.

2. Physical and chemical weathering

3. Weather and climate

4. Windward side and Leeward side.

5. Producers and Decomposers

6. Savannas and Tundr

7. Primary activities and Secondary activities

8. Globe and Map

9. GIS and GPS

DAY 26


1. Map is the basic tool of a geographer

2. Producers are also called autotrophs

3. Continental shelf provides good fishing ground.

4. Igneous rocks are also called Primary Rocks or Mother rocks.



9th social important questions,9th social important questions english medium,9th Social Science question paper English Medium,9thsocial,9thclass annual exam,9th class social science notes,Social Science Class 9 Notes PDF English Medium


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