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 After the Chauri Chaura incident, Gandhifelt that the volunteers and the people had tobe trained for a non-violent struggle. As a partof this effort he focused on promoting Khadi,Hindu-Muslim unity and the abolition ofuntouchability. He exhorted the Congressmen,“Go throughout your districts and spread themessage of Khaddar, the message of Hindu-Muslim unity, the message of anti-untouchability

and take up in hand the youth of the country andmake them the real soldiers of Swaraj.” He madeit compulsory for all Congress members to wearkhaddar. The All India Spinner’s Associationwas formed.Meanwhile some congressmen were not
satisfied with dominion status and wanted todemand complete independence. In the Congresssession held in Lahore in December 1929 withJawaharlal Nehru as the President, Poorna Swarajwas declared as the goal. It was also decided toboycott the Round Table Conference and launcha Civil Disobedience Movement. 26 January 1930was declared as Independence Day and a pledgewas taken all over the country to attain PoornaSwaraj non-violently through civil disobedienceincluding non-payment of taxes. The IndianNational Congress authorised Gandhi to launch
the movement.

Gandhidevotedthe next few yearstowards abolition ofuntouchability.Hisengagement
withDr. B.R. Ambedkar madea big impact on his ideasabout the caste system.
He shifted his base to theSatyagraha Ashram at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Wardha. He undertookan all-India tour called the Harijan Tour. Hestarted the Harijan Sevak Sangh to work forthe removal of discriminations. He worked to
promote education, cleanliness and hygiene andgiving up of liquor among the depressed class.An important part of the campaign was theTemple Entry Movement. 8 January 1933 wasobserved as ‘Temple Entry Day’.

The Indian national movement wasrevived and also radicalised during theHome Rule Movement (1916-1918), led byLokamanya Tilak and Annie Besant. WorldWar I and Indian’s participation in it was thebackground for the Home Rule League. WhenBritain declared war against Germany in 1914,the moderate and liberal leadership extendedtheir support to the British cause. It was hoped

It therefore helps peopleto buy goods at a cheaper rate and help createdemand for more products.Fourth, through such expansion of
production, industrialisation helps to absorbthe labour force coming out of agriculture.Employment generation is therefore animportant objective ofindustrialisation.Fifth,arelatedadvantageofindustrialisation is therefore technologicalchange. Through use of modern techniques,industrialisation contributes to learning of suchmethods and their improvement. As a result
labour productivity, ie, output per unit of labourinput increases, which can help workers earnhigher wages.Sixth, expanding incomes lead to moredemand for goods and servicIndustrial clusters are groups of firms ina defined geographic area that share commonmarkets, technologies and skill requirements.The advantages of industrial clusters or districtswas first observed by the famous economist
Alfred Marshall in the 1920s when he triedto understand the working of clusters of smallfirms in the metal-working and textile regionsin England. While the notion of an ‘industrialdistrict’ was developed by Marshall, it was onlyafter the success of small firms in Italy in the1980s that it became popular. Policy-makersin developing countries like India began topromote them actively as they realized that there
several such small firm clusters in the country.

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