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VI STD| TERM 3| HISTORY 2| The Post- Mauryan india|PPT|pdf

 The Sungas

• The last Mauryan emperor, Brihadratha,was assassinated by his own general, Pushyamitra Sunga, who established his Sunga dynasty in Magadha. 

• Pushyamitra made Pataliputra as his capital.

• Pushyamitra’s kingdom extended westward to include Ujjain and Vidisha. 

•He successfully repulsed the invasion of Bactria king, Menander. 

• But Menander managed to keep Kabul and Sindh.

• Pushyamitra thwarted an attack from the Kalinga king Kharavela. 

• He also conquered Vidarba. • He was a staunch follower of Vedic religion. 

• He performed two Asvamedhayagnas (horse sacrifices) to assert his imperial authority.

• Pushyamitra was succeeded by his son Agnimitra. 

• This Agnimitra is said to be the hero of Kalidasa’sMalavikagnimitra.

• The drama also refers to the victory of Vasumitra, Agnimitra’s son, over the Greeks on the banks of the Sindhu river.

• The weak successors of Sungasconstantly faced threats from the IndoBactrians and Indo-Parthians. 

• The Sunga dynasty lasted for about one hundred years. 

• The last Sunga king was Devabhuti. 

•He was killed by his own minister Vasudeva Kanva. 

• Vasudeva established the rule of Kanva dynasty in Magadha.

• Though Pushyamitra persecuted Buddhists, during his reign the Buddhist monuments at Bharhutand Sanchi were renovated and further improved. 

• The expanded Great Stupa of Sanchi and the railings, which enclose it, belong to the Sunga period.

• Simuka, the founder of the Satavahanadynasty, is said to have ruled for twenty-three years. 

• His successor was his brother Krishna. 

• The latter and his nephew Satakarni ruled for ten years each, establishing an empire, holding control over a vast area stretching from Rajasthan in the northwest to Andhra in the southeast and from Gujarat in thewest to Kalinga in the east.

VI STD| TERM 3| HISTORY 2| The Post- Mauryan india|PPT|pdf









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