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10th Social Public Exam Centum Answer Script


 1. Write about the fallout of the First World War.

The First World War left a deep impact on European society and policy.

There was huge loss of men and materials.

Nearly 8 million had died and more than 16 million were wounded.

Millions more had succumbed to the worldwide influenza.

It led to imbalance between sexes - a shortage of men.

It led to the rise and consolidation of the Soviet Union, the USSR.

America entered the war as a debtor country but emerged as the money 

lender to the world after the war.

It led to the awakening of the colonies and their attempts to gain freedom.

Mustafa Kemal Pasha played a remarkable role for Turkey's rebirth as a nation.

He modernised Turkey and changed it out of all recognition.

The Indian soldiers who returneed from Europe after the war came back with 

new ideas which had an impact on the Indian society.

The war led to economic distress in India.

The war conditions led to the rise of Home rule movement in India.

1. What are the major Physiographic Divisions of India?

India is divided into the following five physiographic divisions:

1. The Northern Mountains 2. The Northern Plains

3. The Peninsular plateau 4. The Coastal Plains 5. The Islands

2.What are the major passes in the Himalayas?

The major passes in the Himalaya are Karakoram pass (Jammu and Kashmir), Zojila pass, Shipkila pass(Himachal Pradesh), Bomdila pass (Arunachal Pradesh), Nathula pass and Jhelepla pass (Sikkim),The Khyber pass and Bolan pass

3.What is called Equable climate?

Equable climate is also called as the British climate, Which is neither too hot nor too cold.

4.What are the types of natural vegetation of India ?

The types of natural vegetation of India are Tropical Evergreen Forests, Tropical Deciduous Forests, Tropical Dry Forests ,Mountain Forests and Mangrove Forests.

5. Write a note on Alpine Forest

Alpine Forest It occurs all along the Himalayas with above 2400 m altitude. These are purely having coniferoustrees. Oak, silver fir, pine and juniper are the main trees of these forests. The eastern parts of Himalayas has largeextent of these forests.

6.Write a note on Project Tiger

Project Tiger was launched in April 1973 with the aim to conserve tiger population in specifically constituted“Tiger Reserves” in India.

7. What are the main problems of the Indian soils?

The main problems of the Indian soils are i) soil erosion (sheet erosion, Rill erosion, Gully erosion, Ravine andBadland) ii) Degradation of Soil, iii) Water-logging, iv) Saline and Alkaline, and v) Salt Flats, types of soils aredifferent erosion.

8.What are the methods of Conservation and Management of Soil?

Methods of Conservation and Management of Soil

1. Afforestation 2. Constructing Dams and Barrages 3. Prevention of Overgrazing

4. Improved methods of Agricultural practices

Contour method, Rotation of crops, Contour bunding, Strip cropping, Planting of shelter belts, Adopting thetechniques of sustainable agriculture are different conservation methods for better soil management.

9. What are the main sources of irrigation used in different parts of the country?

The main sources of irrigation used in different parts of the country are Canal irrigation ,Well irrigation andTank irrigation.

10. What are the Modern irrigation methods practiced in India?

There are many ways in Modern Irrigation. India are drip irrigation, sprinklers and Rain Gun and central pivotirrigation.

11.What is called Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)?

This has been implemented to get more production by using water saving and conservation technologies.

12. What is called Terrace Farming ?

This type of cultivation is practiced specially in hilly areas, where lands are of sloping nature. The hill andmountain slopes are cut to form terraces and the land is used in the same way as in permanent agriculture. Sincethe availability of flat land is limited, terraces are made to provide small patches of level land.

E.g : Tea,Cofffee

13. How is livestock census conducted in Tamil Nadu?

State Government is conducting Livestock Census with the help of Department of Animal Husbandry at state leveland Regional Joint Director at Distric level under the guidelines of Government of India Ministry of Agricultureand farmers welfare, Department of Animal Husbandary Dairying and Fisheries.

15. What are the Major Crops Cultivated in India?

The major crops of India are divided into four major categories as follows:

1. Food crops (wheat, maize, rice, millets, pulses etc.).

2. Cash crops (sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, jute, oilseeds etc.).

3. Plantation crops (tea, coffee and rubber).

4. Horticulture crops (fruits, flowers and vegetables).

17. What are the organisations associated with minerals in India?

The organisations associated with minerals in India are

1. The Geological Survey of India Headquarter is at Calcutta

2. Indian Bureau of Mines Headquarter at Nagpur

3. Non-Ferrous Material Technology Development Centre NFTDC, Hyderabad.

4. The Ministry of Mines is responsible for the administration of all mines and minerals (Development andRegulation Act, 1957).

19. Write a short note on Sail.

SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited): The Ministry of Steel is responsible for planning and development ofiron and steel industry in India.

20. Write a short note on Moil .

MOIL- Manganese Ore India Limited state-owned manganese-ore mining company headquartered in Nagpur.With a market share of 50%. It was the largest producer of manganese ore in India.


 10th Social Public Exam Centum Answer Script

10 Social Science 
Public Exam Answer paper



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