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6th social science guide term 3

6 th class social question and answers 

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Question 1.
Name any two literary sources to reconstruct the history of ancient Tamizhagam?
Tholkappiyam, Ettuthogai, and Patthupattu are some of the literary sources to reconstruct the history of ancient Tamizhagam.

Question 2.
What was Natukkal or Virakkal?
The ancient Tamils had great respect for the heroes who died on the battlefield.
The hero stones were created to commemorate heroes who sacrificed their lives in war. These hero stones were known as Natukkal or Virakkal.

Question 3.

Name five things mentioned in the Sangam literature.







Question 4.

Name any two archaeological sites related to Sangam period.


The excavated materials from Adichanallur, Arikamedu, Kodumanal, Puhar, Korkai, Alankulam, Urariyur etc.

Question 5.

Name the seven patrons (KadaiyeluVallalgal).


The seven patrons were








Question 6.

Name the important intermontane plateaus found in Asia.


The plateau of Anatolia, The plateau of Iran, and the plateau of Tibet are the important intermontane plateaus found in Asia.

Question 7.

Write a short note on the monsoon climate.


*The south, southeast and eastern parts of Asia are strongly influenced by monsoon winds.

*Summer is hot and humid while winter is cool and dry.

*The summer monsoon winds bring heavy rainfall to India, Bangladesh, Indo-China, Philippines and Southern China

Question 8.
Name the ports found is Asia.

Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Chennai, Mumbai, Karachi and Dubai are the important seaports in Asia.

Question 9
Asia is called the ‘Land of Contrasts – Justify.

The biggest continent Asia is called “the land of contrasts”.

  1. Asia is the biggest continent has different types of land features such as mountain, plateau, plain, valley, bay, island etc.
  2. It has different climatic conditions from the equator to polar region.
  3. Apart from this many races, languages, religions and cultures are followed by people who live in Asia. Therefore, Asia is called ‘the land of contrasts’.
Question 10.
What are the Aims of Democracy?

To preserve and promote the dignity and fundamental rights of the individual
To achieve Social justice and Social development of the Community.
To establish the rule of law.
To enable the People to choose their government.
To work towards the development of the country with the help of People’s Participation.

Question 11.
What is a Government
A group of people with the authority to govern a country is called government.

Question 12.
How did Abraham Lincoln define democracy?
Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people”

Question 13.
What is a geoid?

The Earth cannot be compared with any other geometrical shape as it has a very unique shape.
Hence, its shape is called a geoid (earth shaped)

Question 14
What is the local time?

When the sun is overhead on a particular line of longitude, it is 12 moon at all the places located on that line of longitude.
This is called local time.

Question 15
How many times would the sun pass overhead a line of longitude?

The sun is overhead on a line of longitude only once a day.

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6th social science guide term 3,6th Standard Social Science Guide PDF Free Download,6th std social science guide - tamil medium pdf,6th science book back answers tamil medium,6th standard Science Book Answers,6th standard Social science book back question answer in Tamil,மாணவ தோழன் guide 7th,மாணவ தோழன் guide 6th,மாணவ தோழன் guide 8th,மாணவ தோழன் guide 


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