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10th Social - 1st Mid Term Exam 2023 - 2024 | All District Original Question Paper

 Coal is an important source of energy in India with its varied and innumerable uses. It can be converted into gas, oil, electricity and thermal power. Besides, it forms a basic raw material for the production of chemicals, dyes,
fertilizers, paints, synthetic and explosives. The Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas (MOP&NG) is a ministry of the Government of India. It is responsible for the exploration, production, refining, distribution, marketing,
import, export, and conservation of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products,
and liquefied natural gas in India.Indian coal is mostly associated with
Gondwana series of rocks and is primarily foundin Peninsular India. The states of Jharkhand, odisha, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh alone account for nearly 90% of coal reserves of the country. About 2% of India’s coal is of tertiary
type and is found mostly in Assam and Jammu & Kashmir.


Coal is an important source of energy in India with its varied and innumerable uses. It can be converted into gas, oil, electricity and thermal power. Besides, it forms a basic raw material for the production of chemicals, dyes,
fertilizers, paints, synthetic and explosives. The Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas (MOP&NG) is a ministry of the Government of India. It is responsible for the exploration, production, refining, distribution, marketing,
import, export, and conservation of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products,
and liquefied natural gas in India.Indian coal is mostly associated with
Gondwana series of rocks and is primarily foundin Peninsular India. The states of Jharkhand, odisha, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh alone account for nearly 90% of coal reserves of the country. About 2% of India’s coal is of tertiary
type and is found mostly in Assam and Jammu & Kashmir.

Natural gas usually accompanies the petroleum accumulations. It is naturally
occurring hydro carbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly includes varying amounts of other higher alkanes and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphides. It is
formed when layers of decomposed plants and animals are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years. It is used as a source of energy for heating, cooking and electricity generation. It is also used as fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the manufacture of plastics and other commercially important organic chemicals.The energy released during nuclear
fission or fusion is used to generate electricity. Nuclear energy is generated mainly
from the minerals of Uranium and Thorium.The first nuclear power station was setup at Tarapur near Mumbai in 1969. Later atomic reactors were installed at Rawatbhata (335MW), near Kota in Rajasthan (100 MW),Kalpakkam (440 MW) and Kudankulam (2,000 MW) in Tamil nadu and Narora (235 MW) in Uttar Pradesh, Kaiga in (235 MW)in Karnataka and Kakarapara (235 MW) in Gujarat.

The mass objectives of the solar thermal energy programme, being implemented by
the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Source (MNES) are market development,
commercialisation and utilisation of heat energy requirement of different applications in domestic, institutional and industrial sectors. Solar power is used in water heaters, refrigerators, drying, street lighting, cooking, pumping, power generator, photovoltaic cells, salon parts etc. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are the major solar power producers.Paper Industry produces numerous types of papers that comes in various use such as sheet paper, paper boxes, tissues, paper bags, stationery,envelopes and printed-paper products such as books, periodicals, and newspapers. In India the Soft wood is the principal raw material used for making paper especially newsprint and high
class printing papers. Paper is the pre-requisite for education and literacy and its use is an index of advancement in these two fields as well as the
overall well being of the society.

Iron and steel industry is called a basic metallurgical industry as its finished
product is used as raw material by host of other industries. Several industries like
engineering, heavy machines and machine tools, automobile, locomotives and railway equipment industries use iron and steel as their primary raw material. Due to this,the steel producing capacity of a country is generally taken as an indicator of its level of industrial development.Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, Mahindra &
Mahindra and Hindustan Motors are the largest passenger car manufacturers of Indian companies in the country. Presence of foreign car companies such as Mercedes Benz, Fiat,General Motors, Toyota and the recent entry of passenger car manufacturers BMW, Audi,Volkswagen and Volvo makes the Indian automobile sector a special one. Tata Motors,Ashok Leyland, Eicher Motors, Mahindra &
Mahindra and Ford Motors are the major Indian companies which manfacture commercial vehicles. MAN, ITEC, Mercedes-Benz, Scania and Hyundai are the foreign companies engage in the manfacture of commercial vehicles.
Two-wheeler manufacturing is dominated by Indian companies like Hero, Bajaj Auto and TVS.

 Any matter or energy derived from the environment that is used by living
things including humans is called a natural resource. Natural resources include air,
water, soil, minerals, fossil fuels, plants, wild life etc. Many natural resources are used as raw materials. They play a vital role in the economic development of any region. Natural resources are classified on several basis. Based on continued availability, the resources are categorised into two types. Renewable
Resources are those which have natural regeneration after their utilisation Jharkhand is the leading producer of iron ore with 25% the country’s production.
Singhbhum, Hazaribagh, Dhanbad and Ranchi districts are its major producers. Odisha with 21% production ranks second. Sundargarh,Mayurbhanj, Sambalpur and Keonjhar districts are its major producers. The magnetite production of Chhattisgarh is 18% (Rajgarh and Bilaspur are its leading districts) and the
Karnataka is 20% (Chikmangalur, Chitradurga,Shimoga and Dharwad districts are its major producers). Andhrapradesh and Tamil Nadu produce about 5% each. Kurnool, Guntur,Cuddapah and Anantapur districts in Andhra Pradesh and Salem, Namakkal, Tiruvannamalai,Tiruchirappalli, Coimbatore, Madurai and Tirunelveli districts in Tamil Nadu are notable for the production of iron ore.

 10th Social - 1st Mid Term Exam 2023 - 2024 |All District Original Question Paper

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