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10th class|social|2nd Revision Exam 2024 | Original Question Paper

The First World War shattered the globalcapitalist system based on European imperialism.The European powers were gravely weakened bythe War, financially and politically. The conflictbetween the workers and the ruling classes thatcontrolled the government became intense.As a result of this Fascism emerged in Italy andGermany. Anti-colonial struggles got intensifiedas the colonial powers were weakened by the War.As we saw in the last chapter, the crisis in the
Western world had led to the outbreak of WorldWar I. We now turn to the social and politicaldevelopments in the world after the end of theWar.In the elections held November 1919 inthe aftermath of the Treaty of Versailles, Italiansocialists, proclaiming that they were followingBolshevism (Communism in Soviet Russia),
won about a third of the seats. Mussolini, sonof a blacksmith and qualified as an elementaryschool master, in the end became a journalist withsocialist views. A forceful speaker, Mussolinibegan to support the use of violence and brokewith the socialists when they opposed Italy’sentry into the War. When the Fascist Party was
founded in 1919 Mussolini immediately joinedit. As Fascists stood for authority, strength anddiscipline, support came from industrialists,nationalists, ex-soldiers, the middle classes anddiscontented youth. The Fascists resorted to
violence freely. In October 1922, in the contextof a long ministerial crisis, Mussolini organisedthe Fascist March on Rome. Impressed bythe show of force, the King invited Mussolinito form a government. The inability of theDemocratic Party leaders to combine and act with resolution facilitated Mussolini’s triumph.

 The origin of German fascism goes back to1919 when a group of seven men met in Munichand founded the National Socialist GermanWorkers’ Party (abbreviated as Nazi Party). Oneof them was Adolf Hitler. During World War I,he served in the Bavarian army. A gifted speaker,he could whip up the passion of the audience.
In 1923 Hitler attempted to capture power inBavaria. His launch of the National Revolutionon the outskirts of Munich landed him in prison.During his time in prison wrote Mein Kampf (MyStruggle), an autobiographical book containing
his political ideas. In the Presidential electionof 1932, the Communist Party polled about6,000,000 votes. Alarmed capitalists and propertyowners tilted towards supporting fascism Hitler exploited this opportunity to usurp powers.Indo-China (today’s Cambodia, Laos andVietnam) had shown its discontent right from
the beginning of the French occupation (1887).While the Indo-Chinese resisted the impositionof French language and culture, they learnedfrom them the ideas of revolution. During theFirst World War about 100,000 Indo-Chinese
fought in France and returned with first-handknowledge of how the French had fought andsuffered during the War. Communist ideas frommainland China were also a major influence.Many became convinced that the considerablewealth of Indo-China was benefiting only thecolonial power.

 Along with the repressive measures, Hitler’sgovernment followed a policy of repressingJewish people. The Jews were removed fromgovernment positions, excluded from theuniversities and deprived of citizenship.Jewish businesses were closed down, and theirestablishments were attacked. After the outbreakof World War II concentration camps, barrackssurrounded by electrified fences and watch
towers, were built where Jews were interred andused as forced labour. Later they were turned into extermination camps where industrial means of murder such as gas chambers were used to kill them in what the Nazis termed ‘The
Final Solution’.

 10th class|social|2nd Revision Exam 2024 |Original Question Paper 

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