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10th class|social|2nd Revision Exam 2024 |Salem district Original Question Paper|English medium

1914 is a turning point in world history. Thepolitical and social processes that began in 1789culminated in the First World War that brokeout in that year and decisively shaped the courseof the twentieth century. Historians thereforecall this as ‘the long nineteenth century’. Thiswas the first industrial war that drew on the
economic resources of the entire world, and alsoaffected large sections of the civilian population.The political map of the world was redrawn.Three major empires lay shattered by the endof the War: Germany, Austria–Hungary, and the Ottomans. The biggest outcome of the Warwas the Russian Revolution. It was a uniqueevent as well as the first revolution of its kindin world history. For the first time, countriestried to bring about world peace through theLeague of Nations. In this lesson, we discuss thecircumstances leading to the outbreak of the First World War and its repercussions, includingthe Russian Revolution and the formation of an international peace organisation, namely the League of Nations.

The aim of capitalistic industry was toproduce more and more. The surplus wealththus produced was used to build more factories,railways, steamships and other such undertakings.Revolution in the means of communication andtransportation in the latter half of the nineteenthcentury facilitated the process of Europeanexpansion in Africa and other places.A striking feature of nineteenth centurywas that Europe emerged as the dominantpower while Asia and Africa were colonizedand exploited. Within Europe, England helda pre-eminent position as the world leader of capitalism. An ever-growing demand for markets and raw materials made the capitalist powers race around the world for expanding their empire for exploitation.

 10th class|social|2nd Revision Exam 2024 |Salem district  Original Question Paper|English medium



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