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10th Class|Some Important Two Marks Questions in Social Science


 1. Name the trilateral countries?

 2. What are the three forms of European militant nationalism?

 3. What do you know about bunker warfare?

 4. What was the impact of Great Depression on Indian agriculture?

 5. Explain dollar imperialism clearly?

 6.Describe the incident of pearl harbor?

 7. Mention the long journey of Mao?

 8. What is Marshall Plan?

 9. Draw a note about third world countries?

 10. Draw a short note on the reforms of Ramalinga Swami?  11.What are the social evils eradicated by Brahmo Samaj?

 12. What are the duties of camp workers?

 13. What is the significance of Battle of Kalakadu?

 14. Give the main elements of Tiruchirappalli declaration ?

 15.Describe the objectives of the Autonomous Home Roll movement?

 16. Describe the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?

 17. Why was Simon's group ignored?

 18. What is absolute self-government?

 19. What were the elements of the Poona Pact?

 20. Draw a note on Tirunelveli uprising?

 21. Name the newspapers published by South Indian Welfare Rights Association?

 22. Rate Periyar as a feminist?

 23 Write the names of neighboring countries of India?

 24. Tell about the importance of Indian project time?

 25. Draw the appropriate plateau reference?

 Describe about 26 lakh island groups?


 List the factors that affect climate?

 28.What are jet airflows?

 29. Mention the four seasons of India?  30..What is monsoon eruption?

 31. Mention the regions that receive high rainfall?

 32.Write any two characteristics of karisal soil?

 33. List the names of soil types found in India?

 34. Mention the agricultural systems of India?

 35. Mention the agricultural seasons of India?

 36. Define resource and mention its types ?

 37. What are minerals and their types?

 38. Types of Coal State its char with quantity?

 39. Mention the major jute producing areas in India?

 40. Name the major oil producing regions of India?

 41. What is communication?  What are its types?

 43. Define Multinational Business?

 44. Mention the boundaries of Tamil Nadu?

 45. What is Teri?

 46. ​​Name the major islands of Tamil Nadu?

 47. Define disaster risk?

 48. Why is Coimbatore called the Manchester of Tamil Nadu?

 49. What is a flying continuity plan?

 50. List the airport port of Tamil Nadu?

 51. What is the meaning of citizenship?

 52. What are the classical languages ​​of India?

 53. What is a warrant of justice?

 54. What is the qualification to become a Supreme Court judge?

 55. Finance Bill Note Draw?

 56. What are the qualifications for appointment as Governor?

 57. What is Exclusion Policy?

 58. Describe nuclear power policy of India?

 59. List any four of the Panchila principles?

 60. Who are the organizational leaders of the Union Movement?


 61.. Name the member countries of SAARC?

 62. What do you know about Kaladan Multimodal Transport Scheme?

 63. Define national income?

 64. Write the main concept of GDP?

 65. What is personal income?

 66.What is globalization?  Write the types of globalization?

 67. Define food security by FAO?

 68. Name some nutrition programs in Tamil Nadu?

 69.What are the basic elements of food and nutrition security?

 70. Definition of tax?

 71. Why should taxes be paid to the government What are the types of taxes?  Give an example?

 72. Goods and Services Tax Note ?

 73. What is growth tax?

 74. What is meant by black money?

 75. What is Industrial Complex?

 76. What are the problems of industrialization in Tamil Nadu?

 77. Who is an entrepreneur?

 78. What is entrepreneurship?


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