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october first week|lesson plan | 9th class |8th class |7th class |6th class |10th class


Hello to all teachers Lesson plan is very important for teachers when teachers write the Lesson plan first the date and then the title of the lesson should be written and then the auxiliary tools for the subject they are going to take especially for the social science subject India map world map Tamilnadu map south India map should be used as auxiliary tools.  And learning outcomes should be written next to the supporting tools. As far as social science is concerned, the government has given learning outcomes for each subject.  It should be written using it.Learning outcomes should be written next.Learning objectives should be written clearly what the students are learning in these learning objectives.Learning objectives should be introduced next.  It should be read and shown to the students in a fluctuating manner and then each student should stand up and read the lesson. Students should underline the difficult words in the book while reading and write it in a note.  Draw the mind map of the teacher on the blackboard and ask the students to write it in the note. Then the students should write a summary. After writing the summary, a reinforcement event should occur.

6th class lesson plan Tamil medium pdf



7th class lesson plan Tamil medium pdf



8th class lesson plan Tamil medium pdf



9th class lesson plan Tamil medium pdf


10th class lesson plan Tamil medium pdf DOWNLOAD


 Nextit should be evaluated. This is very important for the teachers. Students should be asked questions from the completed lesson. The students should answer them. The students who do not answer should be separated and they should be put in a group with the students who study well.  Syllabus for social science class 10th to 10th is given and we humbly request teachers to use it and share it with other teachers.


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