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 1. Who said “imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism”? 

a) Lenin

2. With whom of the following was the Lateran Treaty signed by Italy? 

c) Pope 

3. Who were mainly persecuted by Hitler? 

d) Jews

4. When was the Warsaw Pact dissolved?

d) 1991

5.Who was the author of the book Satyarthaprakash ?

a) Dayananda Saraswathi 

6. A landmass bounded by sea on three sides is referred to as _.? 

c. Peninsula 

7. Sesahachalam hills, a Biosphere reserve is situated in _________.

b) Andhra Pradesh

8. Which crop is called as “Golden Fibre” in India?

c) Jute 

9. The most abundant source of energy is

b) Sun 

10. The length of Golden Quadrilateral superhighways in India is? 

a) 5846 km 

11. Under which Article financial emergency can be proclaimed?

(c) Article 360

12.Which among the following is not one of the powers of the Governor?

(d) Diplomatic

13. __________ extended assistance through its Public Law 480. 

a) United States of America

14. Primary sector consist of

a) Agriculture


Note : Answer any ten questions . Question No 28 is compulsory 10 × 2 = 20

15. Name the countries in the Triple Entente.




16. What was the result of Mussolini’s march on Rome?

* Mussolini organized the Fascist March on Rome in October 1922,in the context of a long ministerial crisis.

* Impressed by the Mussolini‟s march on Rome, the king invited Mussolini to form a government.

17. Describe the Pearl Harbour incident. 

*On December 1941, Japan attacked American naval installations in Pearl Harbour without warning.

* The idea was to cripple America‟s Pacific fleet so that Japan would not face any opposition.

* Many battleships and numerous fighter planes were destroyed. 

* So U.S.A declared war on Japan.

18. What was Marshall Plan?

* The US conceived the Marshall Plan to bring the countries in western Europe under its influence. 

* The plan sought to help the countries of Europe.

*American dollars to facilitate their early recovery from the destruction caused by the Second World War

19. List the social evils eradicated by Brahmo Samaj.

* Due to the effort of Brahmo Samaj, Sati was abolished.

* It tried to eradicate polygamy,

* Idol worship, subjugation (suppression) of women,

* Child marriage,

*Meaningless religious rites and ceremonies.



43. (a) Estimate the role of Mao Tse tung in making China a communist country.

* Mao was born in Hunan in south-east China. 

* His father was a wealthy peasant, and a firm supporter of the Manchus. 

* Mao, who was very fond of reading, soon showed his ability and entered the Junior College at Changsha. 

* This was the year (1911) when the Revolution had broken out in China. 

* Mao joined the revolutionary army but soon left and enrolled in the Teachers‟ Training College in Changsha. 

* In the following year Mao began his full-fledged political activities of Hunan and emerged as a staunch Communist.

* In 1934 Long March, guerrilla tactics and also ordered large scale military movements.

* They were soon joined by other communist armies. 

*By 1937 Mao had become the leader of over 10 million people.

* In September 1949, before fighting had ended in the south of China, the people‟s Political Consultative Conference met 

in Peking. 

* Consisting of over 650 delegates from the Communist Party and other left-wing organizations, the conference elected the 

Central Governing Council with Mao as its Chairman. 

* Mao Ruled China in 1949 to 1976.

* The establishment of the People‟s Republic of China under the leadership of Mao Tse Tung was a world-shaking event. 

 There were now mighty Communist power in the world People‟s Republic of China.


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