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8th class|social|Important Question |TM


Thus when the national movement was inits ebb, Annie Besant, an Irish lady and leader ofthe Theosophical Society, proposed the HomeRule Movement on the model of Irish HomeRule League. She started Home Rule Leaguein 1916 and carried forward the demand forhome rule all over India. G.S. Arundale, B.P.Wadia and C.P. Ramaswamy assisted her inthis campaign. They demanded home rule withonly a nominal allegiance to British Crown.She started the newspapers New India andCommonweal to carry forward her agenda. Sheremarked, “Better bullock carts and freedomthan a train deluxe with subjection”. Under thePress Act of 1910 Annie Besant was asked to payhefty amount as security. She wrote two books,How India wrought for Freedom and India: A Nation and a pamphlet onselfgovernment.Following the Jallianwala Bagh MassacreGeneral Dyer who was responsible for it wasnot only acquitted of all charges but rewarded.After the First World War the Caliph of Turkeywas humiliated and deprived of all powers.To restore the Caliph the Khilafat Movementwas started. Muslims who had largely keptfrom the nationalist movement now joinedit in huge numbers. In Tamil Nadu KhilafatDay was observed on 17 April 1920, with ameeting presided over by Maulana ShaukatAli. Another such conference was held atErode. Vaniyambadi was as the epicenter ofKhilafat agitation.
 As part of the non-cooperation movement,in many places, cultivators refused to pay taxes.A no-tax campaign took place in Thanjavur.Councils, schools and courts were boycotted.Foreign goods were boycotted. There were anumber of workers’ strikes all over region, manyof them led by nationalist leaders. One of theimportant aspects of the movement in Tamil Naduwas the temperance movement or movementagainst liquor. In November 1921 it was decidedto organise civil disobedience. Rajaji, SubramaniaSastri and EVR were arrested. The visit of Prince
of Wales on 13 January 1922 was boycotted. Inthe police repression two were killed and manyinjured. The Non-Cooperation Movement waswithdrawn in 1922 after the Chauri Chaura incident in which 22 policemen were killedFollowing the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement, the Congress wasdivided between ‘no-changers’ who wanted tocontinue the boycott of the councils and ‘pro-changers who wanted to contest the electionsfor the councils. Rajaji along with other staunchGandhian followers opposed the council entry.Along with Kasturirangar and M.A. Ansari, Rajajiadvocated the boycott of the councils. Oppositionto this led to the formation of the Swaraj Partywithin the Congress by Chittaranjan Das andMotilal Nehru. In Tamil Nadu the Swarajists wereled by S. Srinivasanar and S. Satyamurti.
 When the Viceroy did not accept thedemands put forward by Gandhi, he launched
the Civil Disobedience Movement. Rajajiorganised and led a salt satyagraha march
to Vedaranyam. The march started fromTiruchirappalli on 13 April 1930 and reachedVedaranyam in Thanjavur district on 28 April.A special song was composed for the marchby Namakkal V. Ramalinganar with the lines,“A War is ahead sans sword, sans bloodshed...Join this march.” Despite a brutal crackdownby the police, the marching satyagrahis wereprovided a warm reception along the route.On reaching Vedaranyam 12 volunteers underthe leadership of Rajaji broke the salt law bypicking up salt. Rajaji was arrested. T.S.S. Rajan,Rukmani Lakshmipathi, Sardar Vedarathnam,C. Swaminathar and K. Santhanam were amongthe prominent leaders who participated in theVedaranyam Salt Satyagraha.One of the controversial measures of Rajajiwas the introduction of Hindi as a compulsory
subject in schools. This was considered to bea form of Aryan and North Indian impositiondetrimental to Tamil language and culture,and therefore caused much public resentment.E.V.R. led a massive campaign against it.He organised an anti-Hindi Conference atSalem. It formulated a definite programmeof action. The Scheduled Castes Federationand the Muslim League extended its supportto the anti-Hindi agitation. Natarajan andThalamuthu, two of the enthusiastic agitators
died in prison. A rally was organised fromTiruchirappalli to Madras. More than 1200protestors including E.V.R. were arrested.After the resignation of the Congress Ministry,the Governor of Madras who took over thereigns of administration removed Hindi ascompulsory subject.

8th SS - Important Question  TM

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3



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