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6 th social quterily exam English and Tamil Medium questions paper PDF download

 Nutrition plays a crucial role in human health and well-being. At the national level,
despite higher economic growth, improvements in human development indicators like nutrition levels of the population have been unacceptably slow. A large number of Indian children are stunted. A substantial number of Indian
children and women are underweight, anaemic and suffer from micronutrient deficiencies.To address these concerns, the Central and state governments have been channellising substantial resources into various health
and nutrition schemes and programmes like Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS),mid-day meals, Reproductive and Child Health Programmes (RCH) and National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). However, an effective scaling
up of these efforts is required to mitigate the incidence of under-nutrition in the country.Tamil Nadu has played a pioneering role in bringing about significant changes in the health and nutrition status of children under six years
of age, pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls. The Government of Tamil Nadu’s successive budget outlays for nutrition and health are the highest in the country.The performance of the ICDS scheme and the Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Nutritious MealProgramme (PTMGRNMP) in Tamil Nadu are
considered one of the best in the country.

 The Government of Tamil Nadu’s policy for “A Malnutrition Free Tamil Nadu” guides the state’s long-term multi-sectoral strategy for eliminating malnutrition. The goal is “reducing human malnutrition of all types to the levels
of best performing countries”.In Tamil Nadu, ICDS is being implemented through 54,439 Child Centres (comprising 49,499 Anganwadi Centres and 4,940 Mini Anganwadi Centres) in434 Child Development Blocks (385 rural, 47
urban and 2 tribal).With steady expansion into unreached areas, increasing coverage of marginalised groups, enhanced allocations and enlarged
scope of services, ICDS is now considered to be one of the world’s largest programmes of its kind.


 6 th social quterily exam questions paper PDF download 




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