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10th class|social|Way to Success Team Model Question 7 Sets|both medium


The Indian national movement wasrevived and also radicalised during theHome Rule Movement (1916-1918), led byLokamanya Tilak and Annie Besant. WorldWar I and Indian’s participation in it was thebackground for the Home Rule League. WhenBritain declared war against Germany in 1914,the moderate and liberal leadership extendedtheir support to the British cause. It was hoped
that, in return, the British government wouldgive self-government after the war. Indiantroops were sent to several theatres of WorldWar. But the British administration remainednon-committal to such goals. What was seen
as a British betrayal to the Indian cause ofself-government led to a fresh call for a massmovement to pressurise the British government.regiment and twoSubedars and the Jamedar Sheik Kasim of the1st battalion of the 1st regiment. Vellore Revolthad all the forebodings of the Great Rebellion of1857. The only difference was that there was nocivil rebellion following the mutiny. The 1806revolt was not confined to Vellore Fort. It had its echoes in Bellary, Walajabad, Hyderabad,Bengaluru, Nandydurg, and Sankaridurg.

 On 13 April 1919 apublic meeting was arrangedat Jallianwala Bagh inAmritsar. As it happenedto be Baisaki day (springharvest festival of Sikhs) thevillagers had assembled there in thousands.General Reginald Dyer, on hearing of the
assemblage, surrounded the place with histroops and an armoured vehicle. The onlyentrance to the park that was surrounded onall sides by high walls was blocked, and firingtook place without any warning. The firinglasted for ten minutes till the troops ran outof ammunition. According to official report379 were killed and more than thousandinjured. Unofficial estimates put the toll atmore than a thousand. After the incidentmartial law was declared and many peoplein the Punjab especially Amritsar wereflogged and forced to crawl on the streets.The brutality enraged Indians. RabindranathTagore returned his knighthood. Gandhisurrendered his Kaiser-i-Hind medal.

Santhals, scattered in various parts ofeastern India, when forced to move out of theirhomeland during the process of creation ofzamins under Permanent Settlement, clearedthe forest area around the Rajmahal Hills.They were oppressed by the local police andthe European officers engaged in the railwayconstruction. Pushed out of their familiar habitat, the Santhals were forced to rely on the moneylenders for their subsistence.Soon they were trapped in a vicious circle
of debt and extortion. Besides this, Santhalsalso felt neglected under the corrupt Britishadministration and their inability to render justice to their legitimate grievances.One of the prominent tribal rebellionsof this period occurred in Ranchi, known asUlugulan rebellion (Great Tumult).The Mundapeople were familiar with the co-operative orcollective farming known as Khuntkatti (jointholding) land system. It was totally erodedby the introduction of private ownershipof land and the intrusion of merchants andmoneylenders. The Munda people were also
forcefully recruited as indentured labourers towork on plantations. In the 1890s tribal chiefsoffered resistance against the alienation oftribal people from their land and imposition ofbethbegari or forced labour.regiment and twoSubedars and the Jamedar Sheik Kasim of the1st battalion of the 1st regiment. Vellore Revolthad all the forebodings of the Great Rebellion of1857. The only difference was that there was nocivil rebellion following the mutiny. The 1806revolt was not confined to Vellore Fort. It had its echoes in Bellary, Walajabad, Hyderabad,Bengaluru, Nandydurg, and Sankaridurg.

Santhals, scattered in various parts ofeastern India, when forced to move out of theirhomeland during the process of creation ofzamins under Permanent Settlement, clearedthe forest area around the Rajmahal Hills.They were oppressed by the local police andthe European officers engaged in the railwayconstruction. Pushed out of their familiar habitat, the Santhals were forced to rely on the moneylenders for their subsistence.Soon they were trapped in a vicious circle
of debt and extortion. Besides this, Santhalsalso felt neglected under the corrupt Britishadministration and their inability to render justice to their legitimate grievances.One of the prominent tribal rebellionsof this period occurred in Ranchi, known asUlugulan rebellion (Great Tumult).The Mundapeople were familiar with the co-operative orcollective farming known as Khuntkatti (jointholding) land system. It was totally erodedby the introduction of private ownershipof land and the intrusion of merchants andmoneylenders. The Munda people were also
forcefully recruited as indentured labourers towork on plantations. In the 1890s tribal chiefsoffered resistance against the alienation oftribal people from their land and imposition ofbethbegari or forced labour.regiment and twoSubedars and the Jamedar Sheik Kasim of the1st battalion of the 1st regiment. Vellore Revolthad all the forebodings of the Great Rebellion of1857. The only difference was that there was nocivil rebellion following the mutiny. The 1806revolt was not confined to Vellore Fort. It had its echoes in Bellary, Walajabad, Hyderabad,Bengaluru, Nandydurg, and Sankaridurg.

Santhals, scattered in various parts ofeastern India, when forced to move out of theirhomeland during the process of creation ofzamins under Permanent Settlement, clearedthe forest area around the Rajmahal Hills.They were oppressed by the local police andthe European officers engaged in the railwayconstruction. Pushed out of their familiar habitat, the Santhals were forced to rely on the moneylenders for their subsistence.Soon they were trapped in a vicious circle
of debt and extortion. Besides this, Santhalsalso felt neglected under the corrupt Britishadministration and their inability to render justice to their legitimate grievances.One of the prominent tribal rebellionsof this period occurred in Ranchi, known asUlugulan rebellion (Great Tumult).The Mundapeople were familiar with the co-operative orcollective farming known as Khuntkatti (jointholding) land system. It was totally erodedby the introduction of private ownershipof land and the intrusion of merchants andmoneylenders. The Munda people were also
forcefully recruited as indentured labourers towork on plantations. In the 1890s tribal chiefsoffered resistance against the alienation oftribal people from their land and imposition ofbethbegari or forced labour.

 10th class|social|Way to Success Team Model Question 7 Sets|both medium



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