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10 th social 100% pass 5 marks questions material


1.Explain the Divisions of Northern

Mountains and its importance to India.

 1. Three Divisions are

Western Himalayas 

Central Himalayas 

Eastern Himalayas 


1. Heavy rainfall.

2. Natural barrier.

3. Perennial rivers.

4. Hill stations

5. Raw Materials 

6. Tourist Places 

7. Pilgrim Centres

8. Paradise of tourists

9. Biodiversity

2. Write about South West Monsoon.

1. South West Monsoon period is from


2. There are two Branches of South

West Monsoon

1. Arabian sea Branch

2. Bay of Bengal Branch

3. It starts in the Arabian Sea.

4. Sudden Attack on South India.

5. It gives 75 % rainfall to India.

6. It gives low rainfall to Tamil Nadu.

3. Give a detailed account on the basin of the Ganga.

1. Birth Place of Ganga : Gangotri

2. Joining Place of Ganga : Bay of


3. The largest Delta in the world

4. Densely populated place.

5. Largest Plain

6. Largest drainage system

4.Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.

 Problems of Industry:

1. Lack of power supply.

2. Lack of Large Land.

3. Lack of cheap labourers.

4. Lack of trained employees

5. Lack of Technical employees

Challenges of Indian Industries

1. Wealth creation

2. Create jobs

3. GDP and Per capita income.

4. Standard of living

5. Exports

5.Bring out the types and distribution of soils in Tamil Nadu.

1. Alluvial soil : Thanjavur,

2. Black soil : Coimbatore,

3. Red soil : Sivagangai

4. Laterite soil : Kanchipuram,

5. Saline soil : Coromandel coast ,

6.What are the duties of Prime minister of India.

Prime Minister :

1. Leader of the country.

2. Head of all ministers.

3. He decides the ministry

4. He forms the ministry.

5. He guides all ministers..

6. He directs all ministers.

7. He controls all ministers .

8. He controls the party.

9. He headed the meetings.

10.He attends SAARC meetings.

11.He attend international ( foreign)


7.Discuss the core determinants of India’s foreign policy ?

India’s foreign policy cares

1. Geographical Area

2. Natural resources

3. Economic development

4. Peace

5. Reduce Nuclear Weapons

6. Military strength

8.Write briefly on the Right to Constitutional Remedies.

Five types of Writs.

1. Habeas Corpus

2. Mandamus

3. Prohibition

4. Certiorari

5. Quowarranto

9.Write the challenges of Globalization.

Global competition

1. Challenges :

1. No stability

2. No equality

3. Child labour

4. Slavery

5. Fast food

6. Junk food

7. Health Problem

8. Diseases Problem

9. Environmental Problem

10. Employment Problem

10.Examine the factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into a mass leader.

1. Champaran Satyagraha

2. Kheda Satyagraha

3. Bardoli Satyagraha

4. Non- Co Operation Movement

5. Salt Satyagraha

6. Individual Satyagraha

7. Quit India Movement

8. Hindu-Muslim Unity

9. Supported Khadi

10. Opposed Rowlatt Act

11. Opposed Untouchability

12. Opposed Caste system

13. Followed Ahimsa.

14. These factors made Gandhi national Leader.

11. Estimate Periyar E.V. R’s decisive contribution to the social transformation of Tamil nadu.

1. Self-Respect Movement.

2. Vaikom Hero - Kerala.

3. Opposed False belief - blind belief

4. Opposed Child marriage

5. Opposed Devadasi system.

6. Opposed -Alcohol drinks.

7. Opposed Kula Kalvi

8. Opposed - Caste difference (CHERAN


9. Supported - Women's RIGHT

10.Supported-Women's STRENGTH

11.Supported-Women's FREEDOM

12.Supported - Women's property RIGHT

13.Supported- Khadi Dress

14.Newspapers : Kudi Arasu, Puratchi.

12.Account for the Outbreak of the Vellore Revolt in 1806.

1. Indian Sepoys fought the British

2. Low salary

3. No promotion.

4. No Religious respect

5. New Dress code

6. New Cap

7. Religious symbols not allowed.

8. Sepoys killed British officers.

9. Tippu’s sons went to Calcutta.

13.Account for the Outbreak of the Vellore Revolt in 1806.

1. Indian Sepoys fought the British

2. Low salary

3. No promotion.

4. No Religious respect

5. New Dress code 

6. New Cap

7. Religious symbols not allowed. 

8. Sepoys killed British officers.

9. Tippu’s sons went to Calcutta.

14.Discuss the main causes of the First World War.

1. European Alliances :

Two Parties ( US and RUSSIA)

2. Violent Forms of Nationalism.

3. Germany’s Serious Actions

4. Morrocco Problem

5. The Balkan Wars

6. Austrian Prince was Killed

 Triple Entente :

Britain, France and Russia

Triple alliances :

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

Violent Forms of Nationalism.

England - Jingoism

France - Chauvinism

Germany - Kultur

15.Analyse the effects of the World War II.

1. USA and Soviet Russia started Cold


2. USA and Soviet Russia increased

Nuclear Weapons

3. International Groups

• The UNO

• The World Bank

• The International Monetary Fund -IMF

• Colonies got freedom

• Women’s Freedom

• Women’s Employment

• Socio - economic changes.

10 th social 100% pass 5 marks questions material 

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