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6 முதல் 10 வரை|சமூக அறிவியல்|மனவரைபடம்|6th class to 10th class|social|mindmap

 During this season, the vertical rays of the sun falls over the peninsular India. Hence, there is a steady increase in temperature from south to north. It is practically hot and dry in the entire country in the initial part of this season.Weather over the land areas of the country is influenced by thunderstorms associated with rain and sometimes with hail mostly in the
middle and later part.During this season, temperature starts increasing all over the country and by April,the interior parts of south India record meandaily temperatures of 30°C–35°C. Central Indian land mass becomes hot with day-time maximum temperature reaching about 40°C at many locations.Because of the atmospheric pressure conditions, the winds blow from southwest tonortheast direction in Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. They bring pre monsoon showers to the west coast during the month of May. There are few thunder showers called “Mango Showers” which helps in quick ripening of mangoes along the coast of Kerala and Karnataka.“Norwesters” or “Kalbaisakhis” are the
local storms with thunder that blow from north western part and rain lasting for short durations.It occurs over the eastern and north eastern parts over Bihar, West Bengal and Assam during April and May. They approach the stations from
the northwesterly direction.

 The southwest monsoon begins to retreat from north India by the end of September due to the southward shifting pressure belts. The southwest monsoon wind returns from Indian landmass and blows towards Bay of Bengal. The coriolis force deflects this wind and makes it to blow from northeast. Hence, it is known as
Northeast monsoon or Post-monsoon season. The season is associated with the establishment of the north-easterly wind system over the Indian subcontinent. Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala and south interior Karnataka receive good amount of rainfall accounting for 35% of their annual total. Many parts of Tamilnadu and some parts of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka receive rainfall during this season due to the storms forming in the Bay of Bengal.Large scale losses to life and property occur due to heavy rainfall, strong winds and storm surge in the coastal regions. The day time temperatures start falling sharply all over the country.

These are found in the areas with 100 to200cm. annual rainfall. These are called‘Monsoon Forests’. The mean annual temperature of this region is about 27 o C andthe average annual relative humidity is 60 to 70 percent. The trees of these forests drop their leaves during the spring and early summer. (Sub Himalayan - Region from Punjab to Assam,Great Plains- Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,Bihar, West Bengal, Central India - Jharkhand,Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, South India -Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Kerala states are notable for this type of natural vegetation.)
Teak and sal are the most important trees. Sandalwood, rosewood, kusum, mahua, palas,haldu, amla, padauk, bamboo and tendu are the other trees of economic importance. Theseforests also provide fragrant oil, varnish, sandal oil and perfumes.



6 to 10 SS Mind Map


சமூக அறிவியல்

6 முதல் 10 வரை









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