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2023-24 கல்வி ஆண்டில் நடைபெற்ற பத்தாம் வகுப்பு சமூக அறிவியல் பாடத்திற்கான அனைத்து விதமான வினாதாள் |english medium

1914 is a turning point in world history. The political and social processes that began in 1789 culminated in the First World War that broke out in that year and decisively shaped the course of the twentieth century. Historians therefore
call this as ‘the long nineteenth century’. This was the first industrial war that drew on the economic resources of the entire world, and also affected large sections of the civilian population. The political map of the world was redrawn. Three major empires lay shattered by the end of the War: Germany, Austria–Hungary, and
the Ottomans. The biggest outcome of the War was the Russian Revolution. It was a unique event as well as the first revolution of its kind in world history. For the first time, countries tried to bring about world peace through the League of Nations. In this lesson, we discuss the circumstances leading to the outbreak of the First World War and its repercussions, including the Russian Revolution and the formation of an international peace organisation, namely the League of Nations.

The aim of capitalistic industry was to produce more and more. The surplus wealth
thus produced was used to build more factories, railways, steamships and other such undertakings. Revolution in the means of communication and transportation in the latter half of the nineteenth century facilitated the process of European
expansion in Africa and other places. A striking feature of nineteenth century
was that Europe emerged as the dominant power while Asia and Africa were colonized and exploited. Within Europe, England held a pre-eminent position as the world leader of capitalism. An ever-growing demand for markets and raw materials made the capitalist powers race around the world for expanding their empire for

In Asia, Japan during this period (Meiji era from 1867 to 1912), imitating Western
nations had become their equal in many respects. Though the outlook of the rulers
still remained feudal, Japan took to Western education and machinery. With a modern army and navy, Japan had emerged as an advanced industrialised power. In 1894 she forced a war on China. The crushing defeat of China by little Japan in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) surprised the world. Despite the warning of the
three great powers Russia, Germany and France – Japan annexed the Liaotung peninsula with Port Arthur. By this action Japan proved that itwas the strongest nation of the East Asia.

Japan, however, in view of the pressure mounted by European Powers, soon gave up its claim over Port Arthur. Russia took advantage of this and sent a large army to Manchuria. Japan entered into an alliance with England in 1902 and demanded that Russia withdraw troops from Manchuria. Russia underestimated
Japan. In 1904 the war began between the two countries. In this Russo-Japanese War, Japan defeated Russia and got back Port Arthur. After this War Japan entered the “circle of the great Powers”.

After 1905 Japan took control of Korean domestic and foreign policy. The assassination of a prominent Japanese diplomat provided the excuse in 1910 for Japan’s annexation of Korea. The confusion in China following the downfall
of the Manchu dynasty in 1912 provided Japan an opportunity for further expansion. Japan demanded the transfer of German rights in Shantung to Japan and the recognition of Japanese hold over Manchuria. This strong-arm
diplomacy aroused the hostility of both China and the European Powers.

2023-24 கல்வி ஆண்டில்  நடைபெற்ற பத்தாம் வகுப்பு சமூக அறிவியல் பாடத்திற்கான அனைத்து விதமான வினாதாள் |english medium

10th class social all qustion paper -1

10th class social all qustion paper -2


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