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Mindmap |January Week-2|pdf


• In the latter half of the 18th Century major changes occurred in the methodofproduction that changed the history of humankind. 

• This profound transformation is described as the Industrial Revolution 

• Goods began to produced not by hand but by machines.

• Society transformed from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one  dominatedby factory and machine production.

• The term Industrial Revolution was popularized by the English  economichistorians to denote Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840.

Attributes of Industrial Revolution

• Use of new basic materials: iron and steel 

• Use of new energy s ources: coal, electricity, petroleum 

• Invention of new machines such as the  spinning jenny and the power loom thatincreased the production with a minimum expending of human  energy

• Emergence of a new organization known as the factory system, which  entailedincreased division of labour and specialisation of work 

• Development in transportation and communication 

• Increasing application of science to industry 

• The use of new technology


• The Industrial Revolution began in England first ,because it had certain external factors. They were:

• England had abundant resources and possessed ,colonies with “India being the brightest jewel in the  BritishCrown” 

• Access to coal, iron and raw cotton from the  colonies

• England possessed the required infrastructure for ,textiles developed by immigrant artisans from the  Netherlands

• England had a developed banking system, a growing  entrepreneurialclass, and potential investors 

• Encouragement of the Royal Society of England for  scientificdiscoveries and inventions 

• Political stability of England to bestow its full  attentionto industrial growth




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