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• In the latter half of the 18th Century major changes occurred in the methodofproduction that changed the history of humankind. 

• This profound transformation is described as the Industrial Revolution 

• Goods began to produced not by hand but by machines.

• Society transformed from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one  dominatedby factory and machine production.

• The term Industrial Revolution was popularized by the English  economichistorians to denote Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840.

Attributes of Industrial Revolution

• Use of new basic materials: iron and steel 

• Use of new energy s ources: coal, electricity, petroleum 

• Invention of new machines such as the spinning jenny and the power loom thatincreased the production with a minimum expending of human  energy

• Emergence of a new organization known as the factory system, which  entailedincreased division of labour and specialisation of work 

• Development in transportation and communication 

• Increasing application of science to industry 

• The use of new technology


• The Industrial Revolution began in England first ,because it had certain external factors. They were:

• England had abundant resources and possessed ,colonies with “India being the brightest jewel in the  BritishCrown” 

• Access to coal, iron and raw cotton from the  colonies

• England possessed the required infrastructure for ,textiles developed by immigrant artisans from the  Netherlands

• England had a developed banking system, a growing  entrepreneurialclass, and potential investors 

• Encouragement of the Royal Society of England for  scientificdiscoveries and inventions 

• Political stability of England to bestow its full  attentionto industrial growth

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Tamil Nadu showed the lead in resistingcolonial rule. As early as the late eighteenthcentury the Palayakarars, resisted theEnglish attempts to establish their politicalhegemony in Tamil Nadu. Even after thedefeat of the Palayakarars, an uprising wasorganised by Indian sepoys and officers inVellore Fort in 1806 that had its echoes inseveral cantonments in south India. Thanksto the introduction of Western educationand eventual emergence of educated Indian

middle class, the struggle against the Britishtook the constitutional path. The freedomstruggle in Tamil Nadu was unique, becausefrom the beginning it was not only a strugglefor independence from the English rule butalso a struggle for independence from socialdisability imposed by the obnoxious castesystem. In this lesson we shall study the roleplayed by nationalists wedded to diverse
ideologies in Tamil Nadu.

The appointment of T. Muthuswami as thefirst Indian Judge of the Madras High Court in1877 created a furore in Madras Presidency. Theentire press in Madras criticized the appointmentof an Indian as a Judge. The press opposed hisappointment and the educated youth realizedthat the press was entirely owned by Europeans.The need for a newspaper to express the Indianperspective was keenly felt. G. Subramaniam,M. Veeraraghavachari and four other friends
together started a newspaper The Hindu in1878. It soon became the vehicle of nationalistpropaganda. G. Subramaniam also started aTamil nationalist periodical Swadesamitranin 1891 which became a daily in 1899. Thefounding of The Hindu and Swadesamitranprovided encouragement to the starting of othernative newspapers such as Indian Patriot, SouthIndian Mail, Madras Standard, Desabhimani,Vijaya, Suryodayam and India.

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