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10th class|SocialScience|2023-2024|1Mark Exercises|pdf

 Give Reasons:

1. The Himalayas are called young fold mountains.


* Because they have been formed only a few million years ago.

*And also they were formed because of the folding of the Earth crust due to tectonic activity.

2. North Indian Rivers are perennial.


*The North Indian Rivers originate from the Himalayas. 

*The snow covered Himalayan glacier is a good source for continuous water and the rivers are perennial.

3. South Indian rivers are east flowing.


* Most of these rivers originate from the Western Ghats. 

* Moreover the topography of South India slopes towards east. So the South Indian rivers are east flowing.

UNIT-2– Climate And Natural Vegetation of India

1. India has a tropical monsoon climate.


* India has a tropical monsoon climate because most of India lies in the trophical belt and her climate is  influencedby the monsoon rains which mainly blow in the trophics (20° N and 20 S°)

2. Mountains are cooler than the plains.


* Mountains are cooler than plains because when the altitude increases, the temperature decreases.

* Temperature decreases at the rate of 6.5° C for every 1000 metres of ascent.

UNIT-3– Components of Agriculture

1. Agriculture is the backbone of India.


*Agriculture is the back bone of India because majority of India’s population are dependent on agriculture  itsallied activities and agro-based industries.

* According to 2011 Agricultural census of India, an estimated 61.5% of the people are dependent on agriculture.


*Agriculture in India employs more than 50 percent of the population of the country and accounts for  about25 percent of the national income. So agriculture is considered as the back bone of India.

2. Rain water harvesting is necessary.


* In India there is only seasonal rainfall. It is not uniform and highly erratic. 

* Most of the time rainfall is scanty. So it is necessary to save the available rain water in order to prevent  surfacerun off rain water harvesting is necessary.

UNIT-6– Physical Geography of Tamil Nadu

1. Eastern ghats are not a continuous range.


* Eastern Ghats is a discontinuous and irregular one.

*It is dissected at many places by the rivers, which drain into the Bay of Bengal.

2. Tamil Nadu receives low rainfall during Southwest monsoon.


* Since Tamil Nadu is located in the rain shadow region for the wind which blows from the Arabian sea.

*As a result Tamil Nadu receives low rainfall during Southwest monsoon.

UNIT-7– Human Geography of Tamil Nadu

1. Farmers switch over from inorganic to organic farming.


* In organic farming synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulator and livestock feed additives are not used.

* Organic farming rely on crop rotation, crop residues, animal manure, off-farm organic wastes and  biologicalpest control to maintain soil productivity. 

* So farmers switch over to organic farming.

2. Cities are densely populated than the villages.


*Cities are densely populated than villages because agriculture, industrial development, network of  transportand employment opportunities are the main cause for dense population of cities.

10th class|SocialScience|2023-2024|1Mark Exercises|pdf



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