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1.Which country emerged as the strongest in East Asia towards the close of nineteenth century?

b) Japan 

2. When was the Charter of the UN signed?

b) June 26, 1945 

3. Whose voice was Rast Goftar?

a) Parsi Movement 

4.Assertion: The Congress attended the First Round Table Conference. 

Reason: Gandhi-Irwin Pact enabled the Congress to attend the Second Round Table Conference.

c) A is wrong but R is correct

5.Where was the anti-Hindi Conference held?

c) Salem 

6.The north-south extent of India is 

c. 3,214 km 

7.Climate of India is labelled as _________.

c) Tropical Monsoon Climate

8.The most abundant source of energy is

b) Sun 

9. Which of the following is associated with helicopter service? 

d) Pavan Hans

10._________ is the longest national highway in Tamil Nadu.

a ) NH 44 

11. The authority to alter the boundaries of state in India rest with?

d) Parliament

12.The BRICS organisation‘s headquarters is in __________

a ) China 

13. Who is the head of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ?

b) Director General 

14. Which one of the following is not having leather factories?

b) Dharmapuri


Note : Answer any ten questions . Question No 28 is compulsory 10 × 2 = 20

15. What do you know of trench warfare?

* Trenches dug by troops enabled soldiers to safely stand and protect themselves from enemy fire. 

*The main lines of trenches were connected to each other. 

*They helped to deliver food, mail, and other things

16. Who were the three prominent dictators of the post World War I ?

* Italy – Mussolini

*Germany – Hitler

*Spain – Franco

17. What do you mean by drain of wealth?

* During British rule, India was made a supplier of raw materials to the British industries.

* The colonial economy was a continuous transfer of resources from India to Britain.

*By this system, there was a favourable return back to India.

* This is called ‗the drain of wealth‘.

18. Describe the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?

*In 1919, the anti-Rowlatt protest was intense in Punjab especially in Amritsar.

* The two prominent leaders of Punjab Dr.Saifuddin Kitchlew and Dr.Satyapal were arrested in Amritsar.

*Against their arrest, on 13 April 1919, a public meeting was arranged at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar. 

* As it happened to be Baisaki day the villagers had assembled there in thousands.

*General Dyer surrounded the place with his troops and opened fire on people without any warning.

* According to official estimates, 379 were killed and more than thousand injured.

9. Name the newspapers published by the South Indian Liberal Foundation

*Dravidian in Tamil,

* Justice in English 

* Andhra Prakasika.

20. What are ‘jet streams’?

* Jet streams are the fast moving winds blowing in a narrow zone in the upper atmosphere.

* According to the Jet stream theory, the onset of southwest monsoon is driven by the shift of westerly and easterly

21. Give the importance of IST

* The local time of the central meridian of India is the standard time of India.

* India’s central meridian is 82°30’ E longitude. It passes through Mirzapur

* The IST is 5.30 hrs ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

22. Name the seasons of agriculture in India? 

* Kharif Season – June - September

*Rabi Season – October - March

* Zaid Season – April – June

23. What is migration? State its types.

* It is the movement of people across regions and territories. 

*It can be:-

*Internal migration (within a country) 

*International migration (between the countries).

24. Why is Coimbatore called the Manchester of Tamil Nadu

* In Tamil Nadu, the climate of Coimbatore is perfect for yarn production.

* Above all, more than 1000 spinning units are there in and around Coimbatore.

* It is also well known for marketing of handloom, power loom and readymade garments.

* So, Coimbatore is known as the Manchester of Tamil Nadu‘.

25. Write short note: Money Bill

Money Bill deals with taxation, consolidated fund , borrowing and credit of union government.

*Rajya Sabha does not have any power to amend or reject the Money bill. 

* Lok Sabha can only introduce Money bill.

* Once it is approved by the Lok Sabha, it is passed to Rajya Sabha for its approval. 

26. Explain India’s nuclear policy.

*Indian nuclear programme in 1974 and 1998 is only done for strategic purposes.

* The two themes of India‘s nuclear doctrine are:-

i) No first use 

ii) Credible minimum deterrence.

*It has decided not to use nuclear power for offensive purposes‘ and would never use against any non-nuclear country.

27. What is per capita income?

* Per capita Income or output per person is an indicator to show the living standard of people in a country. 

*It is obtained by dividing the National Income by the population of a country. 

* Per capita Income = National Income / Population

28. Write short note: SIPCOT?

* SIPCOT (State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu) - was formed in the year 1971 to promote industrial  growthin the state by setting up industrial estates.




Note : Answer any ten question . Question No . 42 is compulsory . 10×5=50 

29. Fill in the Blanks :

i. The Nazi Party‘s propaganda was led by Josef Goebbels 

ii. Fateh Hyder was declared the new Sultan by the rebels in Vellore Fort.

iii. Godavari River is also called Vridha Ganga 

iv. Governor of the state government surrenders his resignation to President

v. The Goods and Service Tax act came into effect on 01 July 2017 or 01.07.2017

30. Analyse the effects of the World War II.

i). New geo-political power alignment:

*  World War II changed the world in fundamental ways.

*  The world was polarized into two main blocs led by superpowers.

* One led by the United States and the other by Soviet Russia.

*  Europe was divided into two: Communist and non-Communist.

 ii). Nuclear proliferation:

* The United States and the Soviet Union entered into a race to have more nuclear powered weapons.

*  They built a large stockpile of such weapons.

*  Defence spending sky-rocketed in many countries.

iii). International agencies:

*  Many international agencies, in particular :-

*  The United Nations,

* The World Bank,

* The International Monetary Fund, came into existence providing a forum for countries large and small.

iv). Colonial powers :

*  Colonial powers were forced to give independence to former colonies in a process of decolonization.

*  India was the first to achieve independence.

31. Discuss the causes of the Revolt of 1857?

*  In 1857, British rule witnessed the biggest challenge to its existence.

*  Annexation Policy of British India 

* In the 1840s and 1850s, more territories were annexed through two major policies: 

1. The Doctrine of Paramountcy. 

* British claimed themselves as paramount, exercising supreme authority. 

*  New territories were annexed on the grounds that the native rulers were inept. 

2. The Doctrine of Lapse. 

*  If a native ruler did not have male heir to the throne, 

*  The territory was to ‗lapse‘ into British India upon the death of the ruler.

* The following territories were annexed by the British by the Doctrine of Lapse -

*  Satara,

* Sambalpur,

*  Parts of the Punjab,

*  Jhansi,

* Nagpur.

*  Insensitivity to Indian Cultural Sentiments 

*  In 1806 the sepoys at Vellore mutinied against the new dress code, which prohibited 

* Indians from wearing religious marks on their foreheads and having whiskers on their chin

*  While proposing to replace their turbans with a round hat. 

*  It was feared that the dress code was part of their effort to convert soldiers to Christianity. 

*  Similarly, in 1824, the sepoys at Barrackpur near Calcutta refused to go to Burma by sea, 

*  Since crossing the sea meant the loss of their caste.

*  The sepoys were also upset with discrimination in salary and promotion. 

*  Indian sepoys were paid much less than their European counterparts. 

*  They felt humiliated and racially abused by their seniors.

32. (a) Distinguish between : 

a) Food crops and non- food crops

Food crops non- food crops 

*Food crops are produced for human 


Non-food crops are produced for

*commercial purpose.

 EX : Paddy, Millets, Pulses EX : Tea, Coffee, Cashew

(b) Give Reasons for the following.

*  Mountains are cooler than the plains.

*  The temperature decreases when the altitude increases.

*  Temperature decreases at the rate of 6.5 C for every 1000 metres of ascent.

*  So, the places in the mountains are cooler than the places on the plains.

33. Estimate Periyar E.V.R’s decisive contribution to the social transformation of Tamil Nadu.

* Periyar E.V. Ramasamy, the pioneer of the Self-Respect Movement promoted rationalism among people for the better 

construction of human society.

*  He started his carrier as a Congress man and later, became an anti-congress and started Self Respect Movement.

*  He reformed Indian society on the humanitarian ground and gave special attention to the women 


His contributions:

*  He advocated inter-caste and Self- Respect Marriages devoid of any such rituals.

* He condemned child-marriage and the devadasi system (institution of temple girls).

*  He campaigned for women‘s emancipation, their empowerment and questioned the superstitious beliefs in the society.

*  He declared illiteracy as a source for women‘s subordination and promoted compulsory elementary education for all.

*  Periyar objected to terms like ―giving in marriage‖. 

* He said the term treats woman as a thing. 

*  He wants it substituted by ―valkaitunai,‖(helpmate) Periyar believed that property rights for women would provide them 

a social status and protection.

*  He welcomed equal rights for males and females in property, guardianship and adoption.

*  He was a strong champion of birth control and contraception and said that motherhood was a burden to women.

*  Anti-north Indian campaigns had made Periyar to take and anti-Hindi stand. 

* ‗I oppose Hindi as a foreign language. 

*  It introduces foreign ideas. It makes us slaves‘,stated Peiryar in 1948,

*  Periyar objected to the hereditary priesthood in temples. He argued that eligible individuals, who have a proper religious 

knowledge, should become priests rather than being based on caste.

*  C.Rajagopalachari, the Chief Minister of Madras State (1952–54), introduced a vocational education.

*  Programme that encouraged imparting school children with training in tune with their father‘s occupation. 

* Periyar criticized it as Kula Kalvi Thittam (caste-based education scheme) and opposed it tooth and nail.

*  Government of Tamil Nadu fulfilled his dream by passing the Hindu Succession Tamil Nadu Amendment Act of 1989 

which ensured the equal rights to ancestral property for women in inheritance.

* This Act became a trendsetter and led to similar legislation at the national level

34. Give an account on the major peninsular rivers of India

Peninsular Rivers 

* The rivers in south India are called the Peninsular rivers.

* Based on the direction of flow, the peninsular rivers are divided into the 

i. East flowing rivers

ii. West flowing rivers

East Flowing Rivers 


*  The river Mahanadi originates near Sihawa in Raipur district of Chattisgarh.

*  Its length is 851 km and flows through Odisha.

*  The Mahanadi empties its water in Bay of Bengal.

b) Godavari

*  It originates in Nasik district of Maharashtra, 

*  Godavari is the longest river among the Peninsular rivers -1,465 km. It is also called Vridha Ganga.

* It flows through the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh before joining Bay of Bengal.

c) Krishna

*  The river Krishna originates from a spring at a place called Mahabaleshwar of Maharashtra.

*  Its length is 1400 km. It is the second longest peninsular river.

* It also flows through Andhra Pradesh and joins in Bay of Bengal

d) Kaveri

*  The river Kaveri originates at Talakaveri, Kudagu hills of Karnataka. Its length is 800 km.

* The river kaveri is called Dhakshin Ganga.

*  It empties into the Bay of Bengal at Poompuhar.

West flowing rivers

a) Narmada

*  This river rises in Amarkantak Plateau in Madhya Pradesh. Its length is 1312 km.

* It is the largest among the west flowing rivers of Peninsular India.

*  The Narmada river out falling into the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Cambay.

*  North East Monsoon and South West Monsoon.

S.NO North East Monsoon South West Monsoon.

1 This monsoon winds blow from the land to sea. These winds blow from the sea to land.

2 It blows from October to November. It blows from June to September.

(b) Give Reasons for the following.

*  Mountains are cooler than the plains.

* The temperature decreases when the altitude increases.

*  Temperature decreases at the rate of 6.5 C for every 1000 metres of ascent.

* So, the places in the mountains are cooler than the places on the plains.

33. Estimate Periyar E.V.R’s decisive contribution to the social transformation of Tamil Nadu.

*  Periyar E.V. Ramasamy, the pioneer of the Self-Respect Movement promoted rationalism among people for the better 

construction of human society.

*  He started his carrier as a Congress man and later, became an anti-congress and started Self Respect Movement.

*  He reformed Indian society on the humanitarian ground and gave special attention to the women 


His contributions:

*  He advocated inter-caste and Self- Respect Marriages devoid of any such rituals.

*  He condemned child-marriage and the devadasi system (institution of temple girls).

*  He campaigned for women‘s emancipation, their empowerment and questioned the superstitious beliefs in the society.

* He declared illiteracy as a source for women‘s subordination and promoted compulsory elementary education for all.

*  Periyar objected to terms like ―giving in marriage‖. 

*  He said the term treats woman as a thing. 

*  He wants it substituted by ―valkaitunai,‖(helpmate) Periyar believed that property rights for women would provide them 

a social status and protection.

* He welcomed equal rights for males and females in property, guardianship and adoption.

*  He was a strong champion of birth control and contraception and said that motherhood was a burden to women.

*  Anti-north Indian campaigns had made Periyar to take and anti-Hindi stand. 

*  ‗I oppose Hindi as a foreign language. 

*  It introduces foreign ideas. It makes us slaves‘,stated Peiryar in 1948,

* Periyar objected to the hereditary priesthood in temples. He argued that eligible individuals, who have a proper religious 

knowledge, should become priests rather than being based on caste.

* C.Rajagopalachari, the Chief Minister of Madras State (1952–54), introduced a vocational education.

* Programme that encouraged imparting school children with training in tune with their father‘s occupation. 

*  Periyar criticized it as Kula Kalvi Thittam (caste-based education scheme) and opposed it tooth and nail.

*  Government of Tamil Nadu fulfilled his dream by passing the Hindu Succession Tamil Nadu Amendment Act of 1989 

which ensured the equal rights to ancestral property for women in inheritance.* This Act became a trendsetter and led to similar legislation at the national level

34. Give an account on the major peninsular rivers of India

Peninsular Rivers 

* The rivers in south India are called the Peninsular rivers.

*  * Based on the direction of flow, the peninsular rivers are divided into the 

i. East flowing rivers

ii. West flowing rivers

East Flowing Rivers 


* The river Mahanadi originates near Sihawa in Raipur district of Chattisgarh.

*  Its length is 851 km and flows through Odisha.

* The Mahanadi empties its water in Bay of Bengal.

b) Godavari

*  It originates in Nasik district of Maharashtra, 

*  Godavari is the longest river among the Peninsular rivers -1,465 km. It is also called Vridha Ganga.

*  It flows through the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh before joining Bay of Bengal.

c) Krishna

*  The river Krishna originates from a spring at a place called Mahabaleshwar of Maharashtra.

*  Its length is 1400 km. It is the second longest peninsular river.

* It also flows through Andhra Pradesh and joins in Bay of Bengal

d) Kaveri

* The river Kaveri originates at Talakaveri, Kudagu hills of Karnataka. Its length is 800 km.

*  The river kaveri is called Dhakshin Ganga.

* It empties into the Bay of Bengal at Poompuhar.

West flowing rivers

a) Narmada

*  This river rises in Amarkantak Plateau in Madhya Pradesh. Its length is 1312 km.

*  It is the largest among the west flowing rivers of Peninsular India.

*  The Narmada river out falling into the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Cambay.

b) Tapti

* Tapti river rises near Multai tank in the Betul district of Madhya Pradesh. Its length is 724 km.

* It outfalls into the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Cambay.

35. Write about the distribution of cotton textile industries in India.

*  The first cotton textile mill was established at Fort Gloster near Kolkata in 1818.

*  Cotton Textile Industry

* Traditional sectors like hand loom, handicraft s and small power-loom units are the biggest source of employment for 

millions of people in rural and semi urban areas. 

*  Currently, India is the third largest producer of cotton.

*  The largest loom arc and ring spindles in the world. 

* At present, cotton textile industry is the largest organized modern industry of India.

*  Ginning is the process of separating cotton seed from cotton.

* Manchester of India:

* The higher concentration of textile mills in and around Mumbai, makes it as ―Manchester of India‖. 

*  Presence of black cotton soil in Maharastra, humid climate, presence of Mumbai port, availability of hydro power,

good market and well developed transport facility favour the cotton textile industries in Mumbai. 

* Manchester of South India

 Coimbatore is the most important centre in Tamil nadu with 200 mills out of its 435.

*  So it‘s called as ―Manchester of South India‖.

*  Erode, Tirupur, Karur, Chennai,Salem and Virudhunagar are the other major cotton textiles centres in the state.

36. Bring out the mineral distribution in Tamil Nadu.

* Tamil Nadu is the leading holder of country's resources of minerals.

*  Important minerals are found in the state are as follows: 

*  Neyveli has large lignite resources. 

* Coal is also availablein Ramanathapuram. 

*  Oil and gas are found in the Cauvery basin. 

*  Iron deposits are found in Kanjamalai region in Salem district .

*  Magnesite ores are available near Salem. 

*  Bauxite is found in Servarayan Hills, Kotagiri, Udagamandalam, Palani and Kollimalai areas. 

*  Gypsum is obtained in Tiruchirappalli, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi and Virudhunagar districts. 

*  Ilmenite and rutile are found in the sands of Kanyakumari beach.

*  Limestone is available in Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dindigul, Kancheepuram, Karur.

*  Magnesite is obtained in Dharmapuri, Namakkal, the Nilgiris, Salem. 

*  Feldspar, quartz, copper and lead are also found in some parts of the state.

37. Point out the Fundamental Rights.

I. RIGHT TO EQUALITY (Article 14 to 18 )

*  Art. 14 - Equality before law. 

*  Art. 15 - Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. 

*  Art. 16 - Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. 

* Art. 17 - Abolition of Untouchability. 

*  Art. 18 - Abolition of titles except military and academic.

II. RIGHT TO FREEDOM (Article 19 to 22 )

*  Art. 19 - Freedom of speech and expression, assembly. 

*  Art. 20 - Protection in respect of conviction for offences. 

* Art. 21 - Protection of life and personal liberty. 

* Art. 21A - Right to elementary education. 

*  Art. 22 - Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases.


* Art. 23 - Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour. 

*  Art. 24 - Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc.

IV. RIGHT TO RELIGION (Article 25 to 28 )

* Art. 25 - Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion. 

*  Art. 26 - Freedom to manage religious affairs. 

*  Art. 27 - Freedom from payment of taxes for promotion of any religion. 

*  Art. 28 - Freedom from attending religious instruction or worship in certain educational institutions.


*  Art. 29 - Protection of language, script and culture of minorities.

*  Art. 30 - Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.


* Art. 32 - It allows individuals to seek redressal for the violation of their fundamental rights.

38. Discuss the core determinants of India’s foreign policy? 

* Geographical position and size of territory 

*  Nation‘s history, traditions and philosophical basis 

*  Natural resources 

*  The compulsion of economic development 

*  Political stability and structure of government 

* The necessity of peace, disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons 

* Military strength 

* International milieu

39. Explain Minimum Support Price

*  Minimum Support Price is a price fixed by an expert group for a particular crops

* Considering various costs involved in the cultivation of that crops

*  After announcing the MSP, the State will open procurement centres in places where these crops are widely grown.

*  However, the farmers are free to sell in the open market if they get a better price for their crop produce. 

*  On the other hand, if the open market price is lower than the MSP.

*  The farmers would get an assured price (the MSP) by selling their produce to the FCI.

40. Write about the World Trade Organisation. 

*  The signing of the Final Act of the Uruguay Round by member nations of GATT in April 1994.

*  It paved the way for setting up of the WTO. 

*  An agreement to this effect was signed by 104 members. 

*  The WTO Agreement came into force from January 1, 1995.

* Head Quarter – Geneva ( Switzerland )

*  Purpose - Regulation, International trade.

 Objectives of W.T.O 

*  To set and enforce rules for international trade. 

*  To resolve trade disputes. 

*  Introduction at the sustainable development and environment can go together. 

*  To ensure that developing countries, secure a better share of growth in world Trade. 

* To resolve trade disputes. 

* To increase the transparency of decision making processes.

* To ensure full employment and broad increase in effective demand. 

41. Draw a Time line for the following write any five important Events between 1910 – 1930.

 1910 - Formation of the Union of South Africa 

 1912 - First Balkan War

 1914 - Outbreak of World War I

 1917 - Russian Revolution 

 1918 - End of the World War I 

 1919 - Paris Peace Conference / Treaty of Versailles 

 1920 - Establishment of League of Nation 

1922 - Mussolini‘s March on Rome 

1927 - Formation of Vietnam Nationalist Party 

1929 - The Great Depression / Lateran Trearty


1916 - Home Rule League / Lucknow Pact 

1917 - Champaran Satyagraha 

1918 - Kheda Satyagraha 

1919 - Rowlatt Act / Jalianwalah Bagh Massacre 

1920 - Khilafat Movement / Non-Cooperation Movement

1922 - Chauri Chaura incident 

1923 - The formation of Swaraj Party 

1927 - The appointment of the Simon Commission 

1928 - Motilal Nehru Report 

1929 - The Lahore Congress Session

1930 - Salt Satyagraha / First Round Table Conference


Note : Answer the following questions 2×8=16 


43. (a) Discuss the Fallout of the First World War.

*  Fallout of the First World War 

*  The First World War left a deep impact on European society and polity. 

* Through conscription, and through air raids, the War had involved and affected far more of the population than in the 


*  8 million had died in four years, while more than twice as many were wounded, and many crippled for life. 

* Millions more had succumbed to the worldwide influenza of 1918. 

* The outcome, in all countries, was imbalance between the sexes—a shortage of men. 

* Soldiers came to be placed above civilians. 

*  The War and its aftermath turned out to be a stirring period of history. 

*  The most striking of all was the rise and consolidation of the Soviet Union, the U.S.S.R or the Union of Socialist and 

Soviet Republics, as it was called. 

*  America entered the War as a debtor country but it emerged as the money-lender to the world in the aftermath of the 


* Another outstanding event of this period was the awakening of the colonies and their inspired attempts to gain freedom. 

*  Mustafa Kemal Pasha played a remarkable role for Turkey‘s rebirth as a nation. Kemal Pasha modernised Turkey and 

changed it out of all recognition.

( OR ) 

(b ) Examine the factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into a mass leader. 

*  Gandhi, after his education in India, sailed to England in 1888 to study law. 

*  After becoming a barrister in 1891, he returned to India.

* At that time, a Gujarati firm in South Africa sought the services of Gandhi for legal help.

*  So, Gandhi went to South Africa in 1893.

 Gandhi in South Africa:

*  In South Africa, Gandhi faced racial discrimination for the first time. 

*  He launched a struggle against unjust laws.

* Gandhi called a meeting of the Indians in the Transvaal and form an association.

* Gandhi developed satyagraha (devotion to the truth) as a strategy. 

*  He experimented with it for fighting the issues of immigration and racial discrimination.

*  Finally, he succeeded his attempt. 

* By the Smuts-Gandhi Agreement, the Poll Tax on indentured labourers was abolished.

Champaran Sathyagraha:

*  The real experiment of Satyagraha was started in April 1917 at Champaran in Bihar.

*  The peasants were forced by the European planters to cultivate indigo on three twentieths of their land holdings.

*  Gandhi went to Champaran and started Satyagraha. It was a successful one.

*  It was followed by Ahmadabad mill strike (1918) and Mheda Satyagraha (1918) helped Gandhi establish 

himself as a leader of mass struggle.

 Non Co-operation Movement:

* The great merit of Gandhi was that he brought the people into the limelight.

* Indian politics through the novel weapon of Satyagraha.

*  Gandhi explained that Satyagraha was not mere passive resistance but an active mass resistance to unjust rule.

*  The enactment of the Rowlatt Act in 1919 provided an opportunity to him to launch satyagraha. 

*  He started the Non co-operation Movement in 1920 which spread throughout the country.

 Civil disobedience Movement:

* In 1930, this movement transformed into mass movement drawing all sections of the population including 

women to the streets.

*  Thousands of people including Gandhi were arrested. 

*  Even after that, the British found to difficult to control the movement. 

*  The policies of Gandhi made him as a mass leader. 

*  Gandhi became the undisputed leader of the congress from 1920.

*  Under his leadership, India got the independence on 15th Aug. 1947.




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