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1. Give a short note on Archives.
2. Write about the importance of Coins.
3. Name the important factories established by the Dutchin India
4. Mention the trading centres of the English in India.
5. Why Prince Henry is called ‘Henry the Navigator’?
6. Name the states signed into Subsidiary Alliance.
7. Mention the causes for the Battle of Buxar.
8. Write a short note on Black Hole Tragedy.
9. What were the benefits derived by the English after theBattle of Plassey?
10. List out any two salient features of the Permanentsettlement?
11. What was the contribution of Mahatma GandhionChamparanSatyagraha.
12. What were the salient features of the Ryotwari system?
13. Mention the role of Vallabhai Patel in Bardoli Satyagraha.
14. What do you know about the Palayakarars?Name some of them.
15. Who were the leaders of Palayakkarar confederacy inthe south Indianrebellion?
16. What was the immediate cause of the Revolt of 1857?
17. Write about the reference to importance given toeducation in Purananuru.
18. What do you know about Nalanda University?
19. What is Gandhiji’s Wardha Scheme of Education?
20. What are the traditional handicrafts industries of India?
21. Name the inventions which made the production oftextiles on large scale.
22. What is de-industrialisation?
23. What is an urban area?
24. Name the three Presidency cities?
25. What were the regions covered in the Madraspresidency during British regime?
26. Write short note on Cantonment towns. 


27. Name the two houses of the State legislature.
28. How is the Council of Ministers formed?
29. Write the qualifications of the members of theLegislative Assembly.
30. How is the Chief Minister appointed?
31. Name the types of citizens.
32. Mention any three qualities of a good citizen
33. Name the five ways of acquiring citizenship.
34. What do you know about the citizenship Act of 1955?
35. Name some of the Indians who contributed to spread ofsecularism.
36. State the objectives of secularism.
37. Mention any three Constitutional provisions relatedto secularism.

38. What are the characteristic features of a secular state?
39. What are Human Rights?
40. What does Article 45 of Indian Constitution provide?
41. Write about Right to Education Act.
42. State any three legislations passed to safeguard thewelfare of women.
43. Mention some of the political rights
44. Name the five primary categories of Human Rights.
45. How do you ensure road safety?
46. Why road safety is very important to us?
47. Draw traffic lights signals and indicates the meaning.
48. Write any four traffic rules.


49. How are igneous rocks formed?
50. Describe about the composition of soil.
51. Define ‘rock’
52. State the types of soils
53. Define ‘weather’.
54. What is insolation?
55. What are “Isolines”?
56. Write a short note on aquifer.
57. Define “ hydrological cycle”.
58. How is the dew formation takes place?
59. Define “Migration”.
60. What are the causes of rural to urban migration?
61. Name any two pull factors of migration.
62. What is Urbanisation?
63. List out any four most populous cities in the world.
64. Define ‘hazard’
65. What are the major types of hazards?
66. List out the major flood prone areas of our country
67. Mention the types of drought.
68. Why should not we construct houses at foothill areas
69. Define industry
70. Name the major economic activities.
71. Name the factors responsible for the location ofindustries.
72. What is meant by economic activity?
73. Why Africa is called a “Mother Continent”?
74. What are the important rivers of Africa?
75. Name the physical division of Australia.
76. Write about the nature of Antarctic continent
77. Mention any four economic activities of Australia.


78. What is the Barter System?
79. What are the recent forms of money?
80. Short note on E-Banking and E-Money.
81. What is Savings and Investment?
82. What is meant by Black Money?
83. What are the effects of black money on economy?


1. Metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock.
2. Soil conservation and Soil erosion.
3. Weather and climate
4. Permanent and seasonal winds.
5. Hazards and disasters.
6. Natural hazard and human-made hazard.
7. Flood and drought.
8. Earthquake and Tsunami.
9. Secondary economic activity and tertiary economicactivity
10. Large scale industries and small scale industries
11. Sahel and Sahara
12. Western Antarctica and Eastern Antarctica
13. Great Barrier Reef and Artesian Basin.


1. Egypt is called the gift of the Nile.
2. Antarctica is called the continent of scientists
3. Infiltration of water is low in the region of non-poroussoil.
4. Fresh water is less on the earth.
5. Snowfall is common in the polar region andmountainous regions.
6. The Weather and climate in different regions vary.
7. Temperature decreases with increase in altitude
8. Mountain climbers carry oxygen cylinders whileascending peaks.
9. Chemical sedimentary rocks are found in the beds ofreservoirs.
10. Igneous rocks are found in the regions of volcanoes


1. Give an account of the sources of Modern India.
2. How did the British establish their trading centres inIndia?
3. Describe the policy adopted by Lord Dalhousie toexpand the British empire in India.
4. Discuss the merits and demerits of the PermanentSettlement
5. What do you know about the Puli Thevar?
6. What were the causes for the Great revolt of 1857?
7. What were the causes for the failure of the Revolt of1857

8. Discuss the essential features of learning in Jaina and Buddhist monasteries.
9. How was the trading policy of British caused for the decline of the Indian Industries?
10. Explain Industrial development after 1991 reforms

11. Trace the origin and growth of Madras.


12. Classify and explain the rocks.
13. Classify and explain the soil.
14. How is temperature measured?
15. List out the weather elements and associated measuring instruments

16. Explain the different stages involved in the hydrologicalcycle
17. Distinguish between evaporation and transpiration.
18. What are the different types of migration? Explain.
19. Discuss the problems of urbanisation.
20. Write an essay on air pollution
21. Elaborately discuss the effects of water pollution
22. Classify and explain the industries based on the sourceof raw materials
23. Classify the industries through a flow chart
24. Give an account on mineral wealth of Australia.
25. Name the physical divisions of Africa and explain anyone.


26. Discuss the powers and functions of the Chief Minister
27. Write about the powers and functions of the HighCourt.
28. On what grounds that the citizenship of a person iscancelled?
29. Secularism is necessary for a country like India. Justify
30. Distinguish between Human rights and Civil rights
31. Describe any five basic characteristics of Human rights
32. Explain the factors contributed for road accidents
33. What are the preventive measures of road accidents?


34. Write about the evolution of Money
35. What are the functions of Money? and explain it.
36. What are the difference between savings andinvestment?
37. What are the effects of black money on economy?


Mark the following on the outline map of Africa and Australia


Equator, Atlas Mountain, Sahara, Eastern highlands,
Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Suez
Canal, Mount Kilimanjaro,


Great Dividing Range , Great barrier reef, Tasmania, tropic of
Capricorn, pacific ocean, Great Australian Sandy Desert,
Indian ocean, Sydney, Canberra

On the outline map of world mark the following

1. Heat zones of the world
2. Pressure belt and planetary winds


1)Calicut 2) Cochin 3) Madras 4) Pondicherry 5) Surat
6) Chinsura 7) Pulicat 8) Calcutta 9)Plassey 10). Buxar
11)Purandhar 12) Arcot 13)Wandiwash14) Delhi 15) Lucknow
16) Meerut 17) Barrackpore 18) Jhansi 619) Gwalior
20) Kanpur21) Nalanda 22) Delhi 23)Tiruchirappalli
24) Varanasi 25) Madurai 26) Bombay 27) Kanchipuram
28)Vikramshila 29) Bombay 30) Ahmadabad 31) Calcutta
32) Kanpur 33) Dacca 34) Kulti 35) Jamshedpur 36) New
Delhi 37) Rishra 38) Assam


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