One of the controversial measures of Rajajiwas the introduction of Hindi as a compulsorysubject in schools. This was considered to bea form of Aryan and North Indian impositiondetrimental to Tamil language and culture,and therefore caused much public resentment.E.V.R. led a massive campaign against it.He organised an anti-Hindi Conference atSalem. It formulated a definite programmeof action. The Scheduled Castes Federationand the Muslim League extended its supportto the anti-Hindi agitation. Natarajan andThalamuthu, two of the enthusiastic agitators
died in prison. A rally was organised fromTiruchirappalli to Madras. More than 1200protestors including E.V.R. were arrested.After the resignation of the Congress Ministry,the Governor of Madras who took over thereigns of administration removed Hindi ascompulsory subject.Europeans established their political powerover Indian subcontinent in the latter half of theeighteenth century. While they were concernedwith annexing India, by the beginning ofthe nineteenth century they were reorderingIndian society. New revenue settlements weremade. Influenced by British Utilitarian ideasand evangelicals they also tried to impose theircultural superiority over the Indian people.This caused a reaction among the Indians.During the nineteenth century, educated Indiansfrom different parts of the country began tofeel the humiliation and responded by seekingtheir socio-cultural identity from their past.However, they understood some merits in thecolonial arguments and were ready to reform.It resulted in the social and religious reformmovements in modern India. This particularhistorical development is also identified as theIndian renaissance
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