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Independent India has been consistently fostering world peace and international co-operation. India abjured military alliances, but has been active in cooperating and co-ordinating with other nations for peace and economicstudy material
development. As the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru stated “We can neither be absolutely dependent or independent, but we live in a world of interdependence.”India would prefer a peaceful, wealthy neighbourhood responsive to its own needs and wishes. India has always been known as a
peace-loving country and has strived hard to champion the cause of peace in the world. For the country to progress in an adequate manner,study material
the maintenance of international relations has been regarded as an important area. Being a country with a huge population, India is surrounded by many neighbouring countries with whom she has tried to maintain friendlyguidestudy material
and good neighbourly study materialcompanies has been selected to make one of the biggest investments in the mining sector. To harness India’s sports potential, India has built Kandahar International Cricket Stadium. India’s
Self Employed Women’s Association imparts10th class guide| guide| study material training on sustainable livelihood and to be self-reliant. Thus India is contributing proactively to study material the development of Afghanistan in the form guide of monetary aids and funds.guidestudy material.Indo-Afghan relation was strengthened by the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA). SPA provides assistance to re-build Afghan’s10th class guide guide study material
infrastructure, institutions, agriculture, water, education, health and providing duty-free access to the Indian market. India helped Afghans in
the construction of Salma Dam guide in the Herat Province. India announced 500 scholarships for the children guide of the martyrs of Afghan 10th class guide guidestudy materialSecurity Forces in school and colleges both in Afghanistan and in India. India is also supporting Afghanistan to improve its public health and
small-scale industries. India guide is at the forefront10th class guide guidestudy materialof the promotion of investment in Afghanistan and a consortium of public and private Indian Maldives is located south of Lakshadweep guide Islands in the Indian Ocean. The relationship guidewith Maldives is important for India given
its strategic location and geographical guide proximity. India and Maldives share ethnic, guidelinguistic, cultural, religious and commercial links steeped in antiquity and enjoy cordial and multi-dimensional relations. Trade and guidetourism are being developed between the two countries. Both countries have agreed to
strengthen cooperation to enhance maritime guide security in the Indian Ocean Region through guide coordinated patrolling and aerial surveillance
and exchange of information.Nepal is a natural buffer between India guide and China. Being a small landlocked country,guideNepal depends on India for economic support guide  and transit facilities. India shares borders in five indian states – – Sikkim, West Bengal,Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand – with study material Nepal. People residing in the border districts on study material both sides share deeper cultural bonds. Indian study material firms are the biggest investors in Nepal. India study materialprovides substantial financial 10th class guide guide study materialand technical study material  development assistance with the focus on study material infrastructure, irrigation, health, energy projects10th class guide guide study materialand community development. India built the study material 204-kilometre long Mahendra Raj Marg to study material link Kathmandu and India. Nepal is endowed 10th class guide guide study materialwith fast-flowing rivers and its terrain is ideal for hydroelectric power generation. India has study material  taken up the work of 5600 MW Pancheshwar project, which remained stalled for 18 years after agreement. Nepali and Indian people visit10th class guide guide study materialeach other’s country for religious pilgrimage. Pashupati and Janakpur are traditional centres in Nepal whereas Varanasi and the four Dhaams study material(Badrinath, Puri, Dwaraka and Rameshwaram) study material











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Nepal is a natural buffer between India guide and China. Being a small landlocked country,guideNepal depends on India for economic support guide  and transit facilities. India shares borders in five indian states – – Sikkim, West Bengal,
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand – with study material Nepal. People residing in the border districts on study material both sides share deeper cultural bonds. Indian study material firms are the biggest investors in Nepal. India study material
provides substantial financial 10th class guide guide study materialand technical study material  development assistance with the focus on study material infrastructure, irrigation, health, energy projects10th class guide guide study materialand community development. India built the study material 204-kilometre long Mahendra Raj Marg to study material link Kathmandu and India. Nepal is endowed 10th class guide guide study materialwith fast-flowing rivers and its terrain is ideal for hydroelectric power generation. India has study material  taken up the work of 5600 MW Pancheshwar project, which remained stalled for 18 years after agreement. Nepali and Indian people visit10th class guide guide study materialeach other’s country for religious pilgrimage. Pashupati and Janakpur are traditional centres in Nepal whereas Varanasi and the four Dhaams study material
(Badrinath, Puri, Dwaraka and Rameshwaram) study material
are important pilgrimage destinations in India.10th class guide guide study material The bond of friendship further increased when India included Nepalese language in the VIIIschedule of the Constitution. A joint hydropower
project is being built on the Sharda River. This10th class guide guide study material power plant helps both India and Nepal with10th class guide guide study material respect to electricity production and irrigation facilities. From the environmental perspective,10th class guide guide study material there are a number of tiger reserves along Indo- Nepal border. The governments of India and
Nepal have signed three sister-city agreements for twinning of Kathmandu-Varanasi, Lumbini-10th class guide guide study material Bodhgaya and Janakpur-Ayodhya.|9th class guide download pdf |8th class guide download pdf|  8th class guide EM download pdf |7th class 1 term guide download pdf  |7th class 2 term guide download pdf   |7th class 3 term guide download pdf  |6th class 2 term Guide download pdf | 6th class 2 term Guide EM download pdf  |6th class 3 term guide download pdf  | 6th class 1 term guide download pdf


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