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10th Social Science History Important 2 Marks Question


1)How do you assess the importance of Sino-Japanese War?

2)Name the countries in the Triple Entente.

3)What were the three militant forms of nationalism in Europe?

4)What do you know of trench warfare?

5)What was the role of Mustafa Kemal Pasha?

6)List out any two causes for the failure of the League of Nations.

7)What do you know of the White Terror in Indo-China?

8)Discuss the importance of Ottawa Economic Summit.

9)What was the result of Mussolini’s march on Rome?

10)Point out the essence of the Berlin Colonial Conference, 1884-85.

11)How did Great Depression impact on the Indian agriculture?

12)Define “Dollar Imperialism.”

13)Who were the three prominent dictators of the post World War I?

14)How did Hitler get the support from the people of Germany?

15)Describe the Pearl Harbour incident.

16)What do you know of Beveridge Report?.

17)Name the Bretton Woods Twins.

18)What are the objectives of IMF?

19)Write any three causes for the Chinese Revolution of 1911.

20)Write a note on Mao’s Long March.

21)What do you know of Baghdad Pact?

22)What was Marshall Plan?

23)Write a note on Third World Countries.

24)How was the Cuban missile crisis defused?

25)Mention the four articles of faith laid down by Maharishi Debendranath Tagore?

27)Discuss Mahadev Govind Ranade’s contribution to social reforms.

28)Write a note on reforms of Ramalinga Adigal.

29)List the social evils eradicated by Brahmo Samaj.

30)Highlight the work done by Jyotiba Phule for the welfare of the poor and the marginalized.

31)What were the duties of the Palayakkarars?

32)Identify the Palayams based on the division of east and west.

33)What was the significance of the Battle of Kalakadu?

34)What was the bone of contention between the Company and Kottabomman?

35)Highlight the essence of the Tiruchirappalli Procalamation of 1801.

36)How are the peasant uprisings in British India classified?

37)Name the territories annexed by the British under the Doctrine of Lapse.

38)What do you mean by drain of wealth?

39)Highlight the objectives of Home Rule Movement.

40)Summarise the essence of Lucknow Pact.

41)Describe the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

42)Write a note on the Khilafat Movement.

43)Why did Gandhi withdraw the Non Cooperation Movement?

44)Why was Simon Commission boycotted?

45)What is Poorna Swaraj?

46)Write a note on Bhagat Singh.

47)What are the terms of the Poona Pact?

48)List out the contribution of the moderates.

49)Write a note on the Tirunelveli Uprising.

50)What is the contribution of Annie Besant to India's freedom struggle?

51)Write a note on Tamil Renaissance.

52)Highlight the contribution of Caldwell for the cause of South Indian languages.

53)List out the personalities who contributed to the revival of Tamil literature through their writings.

54)Discuss the importance of Hindu Religious Endowment Act passed by the Justicite ministry ?

55)Name the newspapers published by the South Indian Liberal Foundation


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