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DISTINGUISH Between and Give Reason Qustion Answer|Englishmedium|PTA|10th class|social

1. Agriculture is the backbone of India. PTA QS NO. 1
♣ Indian Economy is mainly based on Agriculture.
♣ Still the Agriculture in India employs more than 50% of the Population of the Country.
♣ And also it Accounts for about 25% of the National Income.

2. North Indian Rivers are perennial PTA QS NO. 2
♣ North Indian Rivers are fed by the Himalayan Glaciers.
♣ So Water is available in these rivers throughout the year

3. Tamil Nadu receives very less rain fall during South West PTA QS NO. 3
Monsoon season.
♣ As Tamil Nadu lies in the Leeward side of the Western Ghats it receives very less
rainfall, during South West Monsoon Season.

4. Cities are densely populated than the villages. PTA QS NO. 4
♣ As metropolitan areas provide
♣ more employment opportunities
♣ Educational institutions
♣ Health facilities

5. Mountains are cooler than the plains. PTA QS NO. 5
♣ As per the Norms Lapse rate temperature decreases at the rate of 6.5 °C for every 1000 mts. ascent.
♣ Hence, places in the mountains are Cooler than the places on the Plains.

6. Eastern Ghats are discontinuous. PTA QS NO. 6
♣ Eastern Ghats are ended and cut through by the major rivers of South India which drains into Bay of Bengal.
♣ Eastern Ghats are also dissected by the ranges of Deccan Plateau.

7. Himalayas are called young fold mountains. MAY 2022
 They have been formed only few million years Ago.
 They were formed because of the folding of the Earth crust due to Tectonic Activity.

8. Agriculture is the backbone of India. AUGUST 2022

India gets 50% of employment and 25% of National Income through agriculture. 

 DISTINGUISH Between and Give Reason Qustion Answer|Englishmedium|PTA|10th class|social

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