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 UNIT:1 - Outbreak Of World War I and its Aftermath

 I . Choose the correct answer.

 1.What were the three major empires shattered by the end of First World War?

 Ans : a) Germany, Austria Hungary, and the Ottomans 

 2.Which country emerged as the strongest in East Asia towards the close of nineteenth century?

Ans : b) Japan 

3. Who said ―imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism‖? 

 Ans : a) Lenin 

4. What is the Battle of Marne remembered for?

Ans : b) trench warfare 

5. To which country did the first Secretary General of League of Nations belongs? 

Ans : a) Britain 

 6. Which country was expelled from the League of Nations for attacking Finland?

 Ans : b) Russia 

 II. Fill in the blanks 

 1. Japan forced a war on China in the year 1894

 2. The new state of Albania was created according to the Treaty of London signed in May 1913.

 3. Japan entered into an alliance with England in the year 1902

4. In the Balkans Macidonia_had mixed population.

 5. In the battle of Tannenberg Russia suffered heavy losses.

 6. _Clemenceau__ as Prime Minister represented France in Paris Peace Conference.

 7. Locarno Treaty was signed in the year 1925__

 IV. Match the following 

 1. Treaty of Brest- Litovsk - Russia with Germany 

 2. Jingoism - England

 3. Kemal Pasha - Turkey

4. Emden - Madras

 5. Hall of Mirrors – Versailles


 1. How do you assess the importance of Sino-Japanese War?

* Japan forced war with China in 1894

* After the war, Japan annexed the Liaotung peninsula with Port Arthur.

2. Name the countries in the Triple Entente.




 3. What were the three militant forms of nationalism in Europe?

England - Jingoism 

 France - Chauvinism 

 Germany - Kultur 

 4. What do you know of trench warfare?

* Trenches dug by soldiers to d protect from enemy fire. 

 *The Trenches were connected to each other.

* Trenches used to delivering food, ammunition, fresh troops, mail, and orders 

 5. What was the role of Mustafa Kemal Pasha?

*Turkey‘s rebirth as a nation thanks to the role played by Mustafa Kemal Pasha was remarkable.

* Kemal pasha modernized turkey and changed it out of all recognition. 

6. List out any two causes for the failure of the League of Nations.(any two point you can write)

* Since it lacked the military power of its own, it could not enforce its decisions.

* The principle of 'collective security‘ could not be applied in actual practice.

VI. Answer the following in detail 

 1.Discuss the main causes of the First World War.

 A). European Alliances and Counter alliances:

* Central Powers formed the Triple Alliances.

* Allied power formed Triple entente.

 B). Violent Forms of Nationalism:

 England - Jingoism 

 France - Chauvinism 

 Germany - Kultur 

 C). Aggressive attitude of German Emperor:

* Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II Germany was ruthlessly assertive and aggressive.

 D). The Balkan Issue:

E)Immediate Cause

 The Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated.

2.Highlight the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles relating to Germany. 

*Germany had to pay 6,600 million pounds. 

* The German army was to be limited to 100,000 men. 

* The union of Austria and Germany was forbidden. 

* All German colonies became mandated .

* Alsace–Lorraine was returned to France. 

* Poland was recreated.


3. Assess the structure and the activities of the UN.

 UN headquarter - Newyork. 

 Started on 14 th October,1945. 

 193 member nations. 


 General Assembly 


 Security Council (15 members). 

 The Economic and Social Council Organisation. 

 The international court of justice. 

World Bank. 

The other Organs FAO, WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP. 

USA, Britain, France, Russia and China are permanent members. 

 It has the right to Vote.  


 Human rights 

 Peace keeping forces.


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