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கல்வி மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்பு தகவல்கள் |Today Educational And Employment News


Among the Sikhs of Punjab too there were attempts to reform. Baba Dayal Das, founder of the Nirankari Movement, stressed the worship of god as Nirankar (formless). Rejection of idols, rejection of rituals associated with idolatry,
reverence for the authority of Guru Nanak and of the Adi Granth formed the essence of his teachings. He reiterated the prohibition on meat-eating, and liquor consumption.The Namdhari Movement, founded by Baba Ram Singh, was another socio-religious movement among the Sikhs. The Namdharis insisted on wearing the symbols of Sikhism except the kirpan (sword). Instead Baba Ram
Singh wanted his followers to carry a lathi. It considered both men and women equal and accepted widow remarriage. It prohibited the dowry system and child marriage.In the wake of the gathering influence of Arya Samaj and the Christian missionaries,the Singh Sabha of Amritsar was established.Its main objective was to restore the purity of Sikhism. With the support of British, it established Khalsa College for the Sikhs in Amritsar. Singh Sabha was a forerunner of
Akali Movement.

 Pandithar IyotheeThassar(1845–1914)was a radical Tamilscholar, writer, siddha
medicine practitioner,journalist and socio-political activist. Born inChennai, he was fluent inIyothithassarTamil, English, Sanskritand Pali languages. He
campaigned for social justice and worked for the emancipation of the “untouchables” from the caste clutches. He worked for the construction of a casteless identity and castigated caste hegemony and untouchability.He considered education as an important toolfor empowerment and became the driving force
behind the establishment of several schools for the “untouchables” in Tamil Nadu.
Pandithar Iyothee Thassar founded the Advaidananda Sabha to raise the voice for the temple entry of the “untouchables”. In 1882, John Rathinam and Iyothee Thassar established a movement called, Dravida Kazhagam and launched a magazine called Dravida Pandian in 1885. He founded the Dravida Mahajana Sabha
in 1891and organised the First Conference of the association at Nilgiris.

இன்றைய கல்வி மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்பு தகவல்கள் - 18.12.2024

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