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 India is the seventh largest country in theworld and second largest country in Asia. It isseparated by the Himalayas from the rest of thecontinent. India accounts for about 2.4 % of thetotal area of the world with an area of 32,87, many of the India states are larger than several countries of the world.

 The majestic Himalayanpeaks in the north, thebeautiful beaches in the south,
the great Indian desert in thewest and the breathtakingnatural heritage in the east
make India a geographicallyvibrant, colourful and truly incredible country.
There is a varied nature of physiographicdivisions in India. Though the country has manylandforms based on the major differences, it isdivided into the following five physiographic divisions

The Northern Mountains consist of theyoungest and the loftiest mountain chains in theworld. It was formed only few millions years agoand formed by the folding of the earth crust dueto tectonic activity. It stretches for a distance of2,500 km from the Indus gorge in the west toBrahmaputra gorge in the east. The width of
the Northern Mountains varies from 500 km inKashmir to 200 km in Arunachal Pradesh. ThePamir Knot, popularly known as the “Roof ofthe World” is the connecting link between theHimalayas and the high ranges of Central Asia.From the Pamir, Himalayas extend eastward inthe form of an arc shape. The term “Himalaya”is derived from Sanskrit. It means “The Abode of Snow”

Tamil Nadu took the lead in resisting colonial rule. In the late eighteenth century, the Palaiyakars resisted British attempts to establish their political hegemony in Tamil Nadu. Even after the colonialists were defeated, an uprising was organized by Indian soldiers and officers at Vellore Fort in 1806, which had echoes in many regions of South India. Thanks to the introduction of western education and the eventual emergence of educated Indians

The middle class, the struggle against the British took the constitutional route. Tamil Nadu's freedom struggle was unique because from the beginning it was not only a struggle for independence from British rule but also a struggle for freedom from the social incapacity imposed by the hideous caste system.
In this lesson, we will study the role played by nationalists affiliated with various ideologies in Tamil Nadu.
In 1877, the appointment of D. Muthuswamy as the first Indian judge of the Madras High Court created a stir in the Madras province. The Chennai press criticized the appointment of an Indian as a judge. The press resisted his appointment, and the educated youth realized that the press was entirely owned by Europeans. The need for a newspaper to express the Indian point of view was keenly felt. G. Subramaniam, M. Veeraragavachari
along with four other friends started a magazine called The Hindu in 1878. It soon became a vehicle of nationalist propaganda. G. Subramaniam also started a Tamil national magazine Sudeshamithranin 1891 which became a daily in 1899. The establishment of The Hindu and Sudeshamitran inspired other newspapers like Indian Patriot, South Indian Mail, Madras Standard, Desabimani, Vijaya, India, India etc.

While the extremists and revolutionarieswere suppressed with an iron hand, the
moderates hoped for some constitutionalreforms. However, they were disappointed withthe Minto-Morley reforms as it did not providefor responsible government.
Thus when the national movement was inits ebb, Annie Besant, an Irish lady and leader ofthe Theosophical Society, proposed the HomeRule Movement on the model of Irish HomeRule League. She started Home Rule Leaguein 1916 and carried forward the demand forhome rule all over India. G.S. Arundale, B.P.Wadia and C.P. Ramaswamy assisted her inthis campaign. They demanded home rule withonly a nominal allegiance to British Crown.She started the newspapers New India and
Commonweal to carry forward her agenda. Sheremarked, “Better bullock carts and freedomthan a train deluxe with subjection”. Under thePress Act of 1910 Annie Besant was asked to payhefty amount as security. She wrote two books,How India wrought for Freedom and India: ANation and a pamphlet on self-government.
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