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12th class|History| GOVT PUBLIC QUESTIONS|pdf

English education, introduced with theobject of producing clerks, also produced a
new English-educated middle class. This classcame under the influence of western ideas andthoughts. Christianity also had its effect on thenewly emerging middle class. Though small innumber, the educated middle class began to take
a lead in political as well as in reform movements.The Indian reformers were, however, quitehesitant to subject their old notions and habitsto critical scrutiny. Instead they attempted toharmonize both Indian and Western cultures.Their ideas and their actions helped to mitigatesocial evils such as sati, female infanticide, and
child marriage and various superstitious beliefs.12th class|History| GOVT PUBLIC QUESTIONS|pdf Paperandthoughts. Christianity also had its effect on thenewly emerging middle class. Though small innumber, the educated middle class began to takea lead in political as well as in reform movements.The Indian reformers were, however, quitehesitant to subject their old notions and habitsto critical scrutiny. Instead they attemptedRamakrishna (l836–86), a simple priestof Dakshineswar near Kolkata, emphasisedthe spiritual union with god through ecstaticpractices such as singing bhajans. An ardentworshipper of goddess Kali, the sacredmother, he declared that the manifestations ofthe divine mother were infinite. In his view,all religions contain the universal elementswhich, if practised, would lead to salvation.He said, “Jiva is Siva” (all living beings areGod). Service for man, must be regarded as God.’12th class|History| GOVT PUBLIC QUESTIONS|pdf

After the Chauri Chaura incident, Gandhifelt that the volunteers and the people had tobe trained for a non-violent struggle. As a partof this effort he focused on promoting Khadi,Hindu-Muslim unity and the abolition ofuntouchability. He exhorted the Congressmen,“Go throughout your districts and spread themessage of Khaddar, the message of Hindu-Muslim unity, the message of anti-untouchabilityand take up in hand the youth of the country andmake them the real soldiers of Swaraj.” He madeit compulsory for all Congress members to wearkhaddar. The All India Spinner’s Associationwas formed.Meanwhile some congressmen were not

satisfied with dominion status and wanted todemand complete independence. In the Congresssession held in Lahore in December 1929 withJawaharlal Nehru as the President, Poorna Swarajwas declared as the goal. It was also decided toboycott the Round Table Conference and launcha Civil Disobedience Movement. 26 January 1930was declared as Independence Day and a pledgewas taken all over the country to attain PoornaSwaraj non-violently through civil disobedienceincluding non-payment of taxes. The IndianNational Congress authorised Gandhi to launch
the movement.

 12th class|History| GOVT PUBLIC QUESTIONS|pdf



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