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Answer the following questions in about a paragraph: 

1. State the importance of Macro Economics. 

* It’s provides ample opportunities to use scientific investigation to understand the reality .

* It helps to make meaningful comparison and analysis of economic indicators. 

* It helps for better prediction about future and to formulate suitable policies to avoideconomic crises.

2. Describe the different types of economic systems. 

*Capitalist Economy – Total freedom and private ownership o means of production. 

* Socialist Economy – Public ownership of means of production. 

* Mixed economy – Co-existence of capitalism and Socialism 

3. Outline the major merits of capitalism.  Automatic Working:  

*Withoutany government intervention, the economy works automatically. 

* Efficient Use of Resources: 

All resources are put into optimum use. 

* Economic Progress: 

Production and productivity levels are very high in capitalistic economies.

4.What is the solution to the problem of double counting in the estimation of national income? 

*To avoid double counting either the value of the final output should be  takeninto the estimate of GNP or the sum of values added should be taken. 

* Double counting is to be avoided under the valued added method. 

*Any commodity which is either raw material or intermediate goods for the final  productionshould not be included. 

5. Write briefly about national income and welfare. 

* National income is considered as an indicator of the economic wellbeing of a country 

* The economic progress of countries is measured in terms of their GDP per capita  andtheir annual growth rate. 

* A country with a higher per capita income is supposed to enjoy greater economic  welfarewith a higher standard of living. 

6. List out the uses of national income. 

* To know the relative importance of the various sectors of the economy and their  contributiontowards national income. 

* To formulate he national policies such as monetary policy, fiscal policy and other .policy 

*To formulate planning and evaluate plan progress.

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