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UG TRB HISTORY SYLLABUS 2023 PDF|UG TRB Syllabus 2023 PDF Download


History of India from Pre–Historic Period to 1206 A.D.

Geographical features, Sources - Archaeological - Literary – Monuments - Numismatics –Foreign - Sources –Pre Historic Age – Stone Age Culture – Early Civilizations of India –Indus Valley Civilization – Vedic Age – Political –Economic – Social and Religious life –Literature - Jainism and Buddhism – Mahajanapadas – Rise of Magadha –Persian and Greekinfluences - Alexander’s invasions and Effects – The Mauryas – Ashoka - Dharma – It’snature and propagation – Mauryan State Administration - Economy – Art and Architecture –Sungas - Satavahanas –Kushanas – Guptas - Hun’s Invasion – Effects – Harshavardhana –Chalukyas – ForeignTravellers– Hieun Tsang – Fahien – Itsing Rashtrakutas – Rajput Age -The Arab conquest of Sind – causes and effects – Mahmud of Ghazni– Mohammed of Ghor– The first and second Battle of Tarain – Indian Society on the eve of Muslim Conquest of India.


History of India from 1206 A.D. to 1857 A.D.

Delhi Sultanate – Slave Dynasty – Khilji Dynasty – Malik Kafur’s Invasion – Mongolian attack - Effects Tughlug Dynasty –Timur’s Invasion – Sayyid Dynasty –Lodi Dynasty – Delhi Sultanate Administration – Social Economic and cultural life - Reforms– Literate - Art and Architecture under the Sultanate – Bhakthi Movement – Origin of Vijayanagar Kingdom – Krishnadevaraya’s achievements – Administration – Bahmini Kingdom – Outline of the political history of the Mughals – Administration and Culture –Art and Architecture - Sher Shah’s conquests – Reforms - Akbar – Rajput Policy – Religious policy – Golden Age of Mughals – Impact of Mughal rule on Hindu society - Marathas – Shivaji – Achievements and Administration – Peshwas – Third Battle of Panipet – The Advent of Europeans – Portuguese– Dutch - Battle of Plassey – Robert Clive – Warren Hastings – Lord Cornwallis – Permanent land Revenue settlement – Mysore War - Wellesley – Lord Hastings – Lord William Bentinck- Ranjit Singh – Lord Dalhousie - Reforms of Lord William Bentinck, Socio – Religious Reform Movements in the 19 th Century – Education policy under East India Company –Administrative structure and policy – Judicial and police reforms.


History of India from 1857 A.D. to 1947 A.D.

The Revolt of 1857 – Nature, causes and Results - India under the Crown – Queen Victoria’s Proclamation – Lord Canning – Lord Ripon – Lord Curzon – National awakening – Indian National Congress – Moderates – Extremists – Muslim League - Surat Split – Gandhian Era –Non- Cooperation Movement, Home Rule Movement – Wavell plan – Civil Disobedience Movement - Round Table Conferences – Poona Pact - Cripps Mission – Quit India Movement– Indian National Army – Cabinet mission plan Lord Mountbatten plan – Partition of India –Constitutional Development from 1773 to 1935 - Indian Independence Act of 1947


History of India since independence 

Nehru Era – Main Features of Indian Constitution - Amendments of the Constitution –Integration of Indian states – Reorganisation of Indian states - Five year plans – Indian Foreign policy - Lal Bahadur Shastri to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Socio – Cultural Developments in India - Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar – Depressed class Movements - Jothirao Phule - EVR - Sri Narayana guru - Globalization – Market Economy and it’s impact on Agriculture and Industries Development - Science and Technology – Education Policy development - Information Technology – Impact on the Society – Mandir conflict - Cross Border Terrorism.


History of Tamil Nadu upto 1565 A.D.

Geography of Tamil Nadu – Sources – Ancient Tamil Civilization – Sangam Age – Cheras,Cholas and Pandyas – Administration – Social, Economic condition – Culture and literature –Post sangam – Kalabhras - Pallavas – Origin – Political administration – Art & architecture -Cultural development - Literature – Bhakti Movement. Imperial Cholas – Vijayalaya to Kulothunga I – Cholas Administration - Local self Government - Economic and Social life -Art and Architecture – Religion, Education and literature. The Early Pandyan Empire - Later Pandyas – Political Administration – Art and Architecture – Literature – Malik Kafur’s Invasion – Government under Madurai sultans– Kumarakampana – Expeditions - Marco Polo’s Account Sultanate of Madurai -Tamilagam under Vijayanagar rule.


History of Tamil Nadu from 1565 A.D. to 2000 A.D.

Tamil Nadu under Nayaks and Marathas – Sethupathis of Ramnad - The Advent of Europeans – Anglo French rivalry – Carnatic Wars - Palayakkarar’s revolt – Pulithevan – Kattabomman,Marudhu brothers – South Indian Rebellion of 1801 – Vellore Mutiny of 1806 - Tamil Nadu under British rule – The British land Revenue Administration - Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle – VOC, Subramania Bharathi, Subramania Siva, Tiruppur Kumaran, Rajaji,Kamaraj, Annie Besant – Socio – Religious Reforms Movements of Tamil Nadu –E.V.Ramasamy – The Self Respect Movement, Justice Party Reforms Act, Widow Remarriage, Sarada Act, Abolition of Devadasi System –Anti – Hindi Agitations Development of Tamil Nadu under Congress rule, DMK & AIADMK.



Advent of Europeans – Impact on China and Japan – Opium Wars in China – Taiping
Rebellion – Open Door Policy – First Sino - Japanese War – Hundred days reforms - Boxer Rebellion –The Revolution of China, 1911 – Dr. Sun-Yat- Sen – Yuan - Shi-Kai, China in the First World War and its Impact – Paris peace conference – May Fourth Movement - Chiang –Kai – Shek - The Nationalist Government - Emergence of Communism – Civil War - China in the Second World War– Mao Tse Tung – People’s Republic of China – Communist China foreign policy since 1949 - Japan Shogunate - Meiji Restoration and Reforms – Anglo –Japanese Alliance 1902 – Russo - Japanese War – Japan in the first World War – 21 Demands– Japan and Treaty of Versailles, Foreign Policy of Japan – Washington conference –Manchurian crisis - Japan in the Second World War – Allied occupation – New Constitution of Japan – Reconstruction of Japan after World War II – Post War politics in Japan.



Voyages and Exploration - European Settlements – 13 Colonies – War of Independence –Confederation Declaration of Independence – Constitution and Federalists – George Washington – Alexander Hamilton – John Adams Republican Revolution – Thomas Jefferson– War of 1812 – Westward Movement – Monroe Doctrine – Jacksonian Democracy -Expansion of USA and the issue of slavery – Civil war – Abraham Lincoln – Reconstruction –Ku Klux klan Rise of Big Business –Agrarian Revolution - Labour Movements – Pan Americanism – The Spanish – American War of 1898 – Progressive Era - Role of USA in the I World War – Atlantic charter – USA and UNO - Great Depression – USA in the Second World War – Cold War – John F. Kennedy – New Frontier – Civil Rights Movement – Martin
Luther King – End of cold war.



Fall of Constantinople - Renaissance in Italy – Reformation in Germany – Counter
Reformation – Discovery of New Routes and New Lands – Inventions – Rise of Nation States– Nationalism – Thirty Years War – Benevolent Despots – French Revolution – Reign of terror - Napoleon I – Vienna Congress – Metternich – Holy Alliance – Concert of Europe –Unification of Italy- Unification of Germany – Bismarck as Chancellor – Eastern Question -First World War – Secret Alliances – Serajavo Incident – Course – End of the War – Paris Peace Conference – Treaty of Versailles – The League of Nations – The Russian Revolution –Fascist Italy – Nazist Germany – The great depression - Second World War – Establishment of UNO. History of England – James I and his Relation with Parliament – Charles I - Long
Parliament – Policy of Early Stuarts – Civil War – Common Wealth and the Protectorate–Oliver Cromwell – Later Stuarts – Charles II – Origin of the Party Systems In Britain – JamesII – Glorious Revolution – William III and Mary – Queen Anne –Act of union – Cabinet system in England - American War of Independence – Industrial and Agrarian Revolution –Queen Victorian Era George V–Parliament Act of 1911 – George VI – England between two World Wars – Winston Churchill - Lord Atlee – Queen Elizabeth II.

Unit – X

History of Modern World

The World after the Second World war – Formation of UNO – Achievements – Cold War –NATO – SEATO – CENTO – Warsaw Pact, Regional Organizations – The Arab league –ASEAN - EEC – NAM – Commonwealth – SAARC – OPEC – BRICS - Latin American countries – Cuba under Fidel Castro – Arab Israel Conflicts – Gulf War– Oil crisis –Disintegration of Soviet Union – Nelson Mandela - Apartheid in South Africa –Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization – Major Trends in Science and Technology –Nuclear – Nuclear Disarmament – NPT – CTBT – SALT Space and Communication Global Warming – Disaster Management.

                           UG TRB HISTORY SYLLABUS 2023 PDF



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