10 . Water is considered a great source of energy.?.
Hydro electricity power is the cheapest and most versatile sourceof energy.
VI . Answer in a paragraph.
1.Explain the dif erent types of renewable resources.?
1 Solar energy: The sun produces energy in the form of heat and light.
2.Solar energy is not harmful to the environment.
3.Wind energy : wind energy has become one of the most economicaland renewable energy technologies.
4.Hydropower: Hydroelectricity power is the cheapest and most versatilesource of energy out of all the know energy.
5.Hydroelectric power is a renewable resource.
2. Describe the non-metal ic resources?
1 Non-metallic resources can be described as the resources thatdo not comprise of metals. 2 Examples of non-metallic resources are mica, limestone, gypsum, dolomite, phosphate, etc.
3. Mica: It is one of the indispensable minerals used in the electricaland electronics industry.
4.Limestone Limestone is a sedimentary rock.
5.It is used for facing stone, floor tiles, stair treads, windows,sills and many other purposes.
3.What are the dif erent types of fossil fuel resources? Explain.them?
1 Fossil fuel resources are normally formed from the remains of deadplants and animals. 2 It is formed from hydrocarbon. Ex: Coal, petroleum, and naturalgas.
3.Natural gas: Natural gas is found with petroleum deposits andis released when crude oil is brought to the surface.
4 It can be used as a domestic and industrial fuel. 5.Petroleum is found between the layers of rocks
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