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குறுந்தேர்வு-4 |சமூக அறிவியல்| வினாத்தாள் மற்றும் விடைகள்|விழுப்புரம் மாவட்டம்|10th class

 I . Choose the correct answer. 3 X 1 = 3

1.When was People‟s Political Consultative Conference held in China? 

d) September 1949

2.The most abundant source of energy is

b) Sun

3. The High Courts in India were first started at

(a) Calcutta, Bombay, Madras


4. What was Marshall Plan? 

* The US conceived the Marshall Plan to bring the countries in western Europe under its influence. 

* The plan sought to help the countries of Europe.

* American dollars to facilitate their early recovery from the destruction caused by the Second World War

5. Write a note on Third World Countries. 

* The capitalist countries led by the U.S. were politically designated as the First World,

* While the communist states led by the Soviet Union came to be known as the Second world. 

*States outside these two were called Third World.

6. Name the different types of coal with their carbon content. 

 Type of the Coal - Carbon content

*Anthracite - 80 to 90% 

*Bituminous - 60 to 80%

* Lignite - 40 to 60% 

* Peat - less than 40%

8. What are the qualifications for the appointment of Governor?

*He should be a citizen of India. 

* He must have completed 35 years of age. 

* He should not be a member of Parliament or of any State Legislature. 

* He should not hold any other profitable occupation. 

9. What do you understand by the “Appellate Jurisdiction” of the High Court? 

* All High Courts entertain appeals in civil and criminal cases from their subordinate Courts as well as on their own. 

*This is known as the „Appellate Jurisdiction‟ of the High Court.

* They have, however, no jurisdiction over tribunals established under the laws relating to the Armed Forces of the Country.

11. Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.

* Industries in India face many problems. 

* Some major problems are listed below:-

* Shortage and fluctuation in Power Supply. 

*Non- availability of large blocks of land. 

*Poor access to credit. 

* High rate of interest for borrowed loan. 

* Non- availability of cheap labourers. 

* Lack of technical and vocational training for employees. 

*Inappropriate living conditions nearby industrial estates.

12. What are the powers and functions of the Chief Minister?

i) Relating to the Council of Ministers 

*The Chief Minister recommends the persons who can be appointed as ministers by Governor. 

* He allocates the portfolios among the ministers. 

* He shuffles and reshuffles his ministry. 

*He guides, directs, controls and coordinates the activities of all the ministers. 

ii) Relating to the Governor 

* He advises the Governor in relation to the appointment of the following officials: 

* Advocate General of the State. 

* State Election Commissioner. 

* Chairman and Members of the State Public Service Commission. 

* Chairman and Members of the State Planning Commission.

* Chairman and Members of the State Finance Commission. 

iii) Relating to State Legislature 

* He announces the government policies on the floor of the house. 

*He can introduce the bills in the Legislative Assembly. 

*He can recommend for the dissolution of the Legislative Assembly to the Governor anytime.

விழுப்புரம் மாவட்டம் முதன்மை கல்வி அலுவலர் அவர்களின் மேற்பார்வையில் நடைபெறும் பத்தாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்களுக்கு நடத்தப்படும்   குறுந்தேர்வு-4 சமூக அறிவியல் வினாத்தாள் மற்றும் விடைகள் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது 

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