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First mid-term exam social Qustion 2023|Kallakurichi District|10th Social Science Important 5 Mark Questions English Medium PDF

 1. Discuss the main causes of First world war. 

• European alliances and counter alliances

• Violent Forms of Nationalism. 

• Aggresssive attitude of German Emperor. 

• The Balkans’ problems

• Imperialism

• Nationalism

• Immediate Cause – Murder of Austrian Prince Ferdinand. 

2. Highlight the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles relating to Germany.

• Germany was reduced. 

• Germany had to pay 6,600 million pounds.

• allowed to have Air force and Submarines.

• union of Austria and Germany was forbidden. 

• All German colonies became mandated.

• Alsace – Loraine was returned to France.

3. Explain the course of the Russian Revolution under the leadership of Lenin.

• influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx.

• did not want Tsar Rule.

• In 1917 Lenin was in Switzerland. 

• Lenin wanted continued revolution. 

• “ Bread, Peace and Land ” was the motto of Lenin. 

• led a Revolution against Tsar.

• Lenin made a new communist government in Russia.

4. Estimate the work done by the League of Nations, pointing out the reasons for its failure.

Successes: : 

Solving some territorial disputes and conflicts

1. Three Issues. 

1. Between Sweden and Finland 

2. Between Poland and Germany 

3. Between Greece and Bulgaria

Reasons for Failure: 

1. Lack of strong membership

2. League had no power 

3. League had no army 

4. ‘ Collective Security “ could not be applied.

5. Trace the circumstances that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany. 

• The Nazi Party was founded in Munich in 1919.

• Hitler served the Bavarian Army. 

• He was jailed – He wrote Mein Kampf ( My Struggle).

• Presidential election In the 1932

• In 1934, Hindenburg died.

• Hitler became President 

6. Attempt a narrative account of how the process of decolonization happened in India
during the inter-war period (1919-39)

• In 1919 - introduced Dyarchy.

• The INC rejected Dyarchy 

• decided to boycott the legislature.

• death blow to Indian Agriculture.

• Great Depression

• Ottawa summit - preference to imperial goods.

• Farm Production reduced by half. 

• Tax was higher than revenue.

• The Government of India Act 1935 –

• Provincial elections were introduced.

• The INC won 

7. Analyse the effects of World War – II. 

• Two main blocks - America and Russia. 

• Cold war between America and Russia

• Race of Nuclear weapons. 

• Colonies became independent.

• UN came into existence for peace.

• Women economically independent. 

• Socio economic changes.

First mid-term exam social Qustion 2023 DOWNLOAD PDF

8. Asses the structure and the activities of the UN.

• UN headquarter - Newyork. 

• Started on 14 th October,1945.

• 193 member nations.


• General Assembly

• Secretariat 

• Security Council (15 members). 

• The Economic and Social Council Organisation.

• The trusteeship council

• The international court of justice. 

• World Bank.

• The other Organs FAO, WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP.

• USA, Britain, France, Russia and China are permanent members. It has the right to Vote

9. Give an account on the major Peninsular rivers of India. 

• The rivers in South India are called the Peninsular rivers. 

• It originates from the Western Ghats

• Seasonal rivers

East flowing rivers

• Mahanadi - Odisha

• Godavari - Longest

• Krishna - Second Longest

• Cauvery - Ganga of the South

• Tamirabarani 

West flowing rivers

• Narmada - Longest

• Tapti. - One of the major river

10. Give a detailed account on the basin of the Ganga.

• Origin Place - Gangotri Glacier in Uttar Pradesh. 

• largest drainage system of India.

• Many towns are developed on the banks of the river Ganga.

• Ganga plain - densely populated area .

• Its length is 2525 km

Major Tributaries

• Gomati, Gandak, Kosi, Ghaghra, Yamuna, Son and Chambal.

11. Write about South West Monsoon. 

• Onset of the monsoon – First week of June

• Sudden approach of monsoon 

• – lightning and thunder - ” Burst of Monsoon “ 

Two branches. 

• One Branch - Arabian Sea

• Other Branch – Bay of Bengal 

• India receives 75 % of rainfall 

• Tamil Nadu receives low rainfall.

11. Evaluate the contributions of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda to regenerate 

 Indian Society. 

• Ramakrishna Mission – Kolkatta, Belur.

• Disciple of Ramakrishnar - Vivekananda 


• Through devotional songs – attain God’s grace 

• All living beings are God

• All religion contains Good ideas.

• He said, “Jiva is Siva” (all living beings are God).

• “Service for poor man, must be regarded as God”.

12. Attempt an essay of the heroic fight Veerapandya Kattabomman conducted against 

 the East India Company. 

• Kattabomman became the Palayakkarar of Panchalamkurichi.

• Conflicts between Kattabomman and English 

• Problem arose in collecting tax, clash between collector Jackson and Kattabomman.

• Kattabomman appeared before Madras Council.

Kattabomman and the confederacy of Palayakkars

• Kattabomman joined with South Indian Liberal Federation formed by Marudhu brothers.

• Collector Lushington not liked the activities of Kattabomman 

• He advanced towards sivagiri. 

• So the company ordered the army to march on to Tirunelveli.

 Seige of Panchalamkurichi

• Major Bannerman army ordered Kattabomman to surrender.

• Kattabomman escaped to Pudukottai

• Kattabomman was captured

 .Execution of Kattabomman

• Kattabomman was hanged in Kayathar. 

13. Highlight the tragic fall of Sivagangai and its outcome. 


• Marudhu brothers were the able commander of Sivaganga.

• They worked with Velunachiyar.

 Rebellion of Marudhu Brothers

• The English demanded that the Marudhu brothers should hand over Oomaithurai and 


• They refused. 

Proclamation of 1801

• In June 1801 Marudhu Pandiyars issued a Proclamation of Independence 

• It is called Tiruchirappalli Proclamation.

Fall of Sivagangai

• The rebellion failed and Sivaganga was annexed with the company in 1801.

• The Marudhu brothers were executed in the fort of Tirupathur. 

• The rebellion of Marudhu brothers called South Indian Rebellion.

• Their courage and sacrifice inspired later generation

First mid-term exam social Qustion 2 2023

 12. Discuss the main causes of First world war.

• European alliances and counter alliances

• Triple Entente of Britain, France and Russia 

• Triple alliances of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

• Violent Forms of Nationalism. 

England’s Jingoism, France’s Chauvinism and Germany’s Kultur 

were militant forms of nationalism.

 They contributed to the outbreak of war.

• Aggresssive attitude of German Emperor. 

• Hostility of France towards Germany. 

• The Balkans’ problems

• Immediate cause – Assassination of Austria Prince Ferdinand. 

13. Discuss the circumstances that led to the Reform movements of the 19th Century. 

• English Education produced a new English educated middle class.

• Indian people were attracted by rationality, equality, liberty and humanity.

Women were a major part of several reform movements.

• Sati 

• Female Infanticide

• Polygamy 

• Child Marriage 

• Superstitious beliefs 

• Subjugation of Women 

• Denial of Female Education 

• Ban on Widow Remarriage 

• Refusal to study Western Education 


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