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World War II

• The first half of the twentieth century witnessed two wars which devastated the world. 

• World War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 and World War II began in 1939 and ended 

in 1945. 

• While the world at large had experienced many wars, these two wars are referred to as 

“World” wars because of the extended areas of the conflict and the very high death toll 

of civilians as well as armed combatants. 

• Both wars were fought on several fronts across Europe, Asia and Africa. 

• In both wars, the combined forces of Great Britain, France, Russia and the United 

States fought against a war alliance led by Germany. 

• Germany’s allies were Italy and Japan in World War II.

(a) Causes

• The devastation caused by World War I 

was of such magnitude that it was 

referred to as The Great War, or The War 

to End All Wars. 

• The belligerent nations, especially the 

Allies, had no desire for a second 

prolonged conflict, and this was the main 

driving force behind their actions after 

the end of World War I. 

• The immediate and primary cause of 

World War II was the aggressive military 

offensive undertaken by a resurgent 

Germany and a fast developing Japan.

Munich Pact

• A further factor was that the western powers 

and the Soviet Union distrusted each other. 

• In 1938, Prime Minister Chamberlain 

concluded the Munich Pact with Germany, 

which was a shameful acceptance of 

Germany’s invasion of Czechoslovakia to annex 

German speaking Sudetenland. 

• In 1939 the Soviet Union independently 

concluded a non-aggression pact with 


• The continued passivity of the Allies and the 

reluctance to start building up their armies 

were also contributory causes of the extended 

scale of World War II.


Outbreak of War

• Britain and France declared war 

on Germany in September 1939. 

• In June 1940, Italy joined 

Germany, and in September 

1940, Japan also joined the Axis 


• There was little action 

immediately after the 

declaration of war. 

• Britain had already begun to 

build up its military capabilities, 

and all young men were 

conscripted for military duty.

Battle of El Alamein 1942

• In the early years of the War, German 

forces under General Rommel were 

remarkably successful in occupying 

North Africa rapidly, leaving the 

British with only Egypt. 

• The Allied forces under General 

Montgomery counterattacked and 

defeated the German and Italian 

forces at El Alamein in North Africa.

• The German army was chased across 

the desert, out of North Africa.

• This provided the base for the Allied 

forces to invade Italy.


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