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X STD HISTORY the world after world war II PPT PDF.pdf


• In the aftermath of Second World War a new era 


• It was the beginning of the decline of European 

colonial empires and the independence of colonies 

in Asia and Africa. 

• If the effects of World War I led to the communist 

revolution of Russia, the Second World War played 

a big part in the communist revolution in China. 

• The emergence of the US and the USSR as super 

powers resulted in the division of the world into 

two antagonistic blocs. 

• A cold war situation triggered deadly conflicts in 

• Under the Marshall Plan for reconstruction of the war-

ravaged Europe, the US won the trust of the great powers 

in Europe. 

• Soviet Russia, by demonstrating solidarity with the 

liberation struggles of countries in Asia and Africa, earned 

the goodwill of the latter. 

• The Non-Aligned Movement played a limited role in 

containing the conflict between the two power blocs. 

• In a bid to wriggle out of US control, European countries 

started the European movement in the form of Council of 


• This developed into the European Common Market and 

finally into what is today the European Union. 

• The Cold War period ended with the fall of Berlin Wall.

Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and West Asia.

The Chinese Revolution 1911 

• The disintegration of the Manchu dynasty began with the death of the Dowager-

Empress in 1908. 

• The new emperor was two-years old and the provincial governors began to assert 

their independence. 

• In October 1911 the local army mutinied and the revolt spread.

• Provincial governors removed the Manchu garrisons and proclaimed their 


• Already there were a few middle-class leaders. 

• Dr. Sun Yat-sen was one among them. 

• On hearing the news of the rising in a newspaper in the United States Sun Yat-sen

arrived in Shanghai and was immediately elected provisional president of the new 

Chinese Republic


The Long March 1934

• As Chiang Kai-shek had built a circle of fortified posts 

around the communist positions, Mao wanted to move out 

of Hunan for safer territory. 

• By 1933 Mao had gained full control of the Chinese 

Communist party.

• In 1934, the Communist army of about 100,000 set out on 

the Long March. 

• This march has become legendary. Of the 100000 who set 

out, only 20,000 finally reached northern Sheni late in 

1935, after crossing nearly 6000 miles. 

• They were soon joined by other communist armies. 

• By 1937 Mao had become the leader of over 10 million 


Korean War

• The Korean War made the Cold War really 

hot. Since Korea was partitioned as North and 

South (1945), each side sought to win 

legitimacy by unifying the country. 

• The President of North Korea Kim II (People’s 

Republic of Korea) decided to act before his 

southern rival, Syngman Rhee (the Republic of 

Korea), got the chance. 

• He launched an attack in June 1950, with the 

tacit support of Stalin. Both Kim and Stalin did 

not expect the US to intervene. 

• The war lasted for three years. 

• The human cost was enormous. But the 

Korean people gained nothing.


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