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X STD ECONOMICS LESSON 3 Food Security and Nutrition EM PDF

 •Food is defined as any 

substance that people eat and 

drink to maintain life and 


•Food security would denote a 

person’s ability to eat enough, 

stay active and lead a healthy 


• The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture 

Organisation defines food security as 


“Food security exists when all people, at all 

times, have physical, social and economic 

access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food 

which meets their dietary needs and food 

preferences for an active and healthy life.” 

(FAO, 2009)

• Dr.M.S.Swaminathan, nutrition security is:

“physical, economic and social access to a 

balanced diet, safe drinking water, 

environmental hygiene, primary health care 

and primary education”

• Thus food security for people in a country is not 

only dependent on the quantum of food available 

but also on the ability of people to purchase/access 

food and to stay in appropriate healthy 


• A growing country with a massive population was 

perceived to be a potential candidate for revolution.

• The American administration and philanthropic 

organisations like Ford Foundation formulated a 

plan to increase food production in the country by 

introducing High Yielding Varieties (HYV) of wheat 

and rice.

• This programme was implemented in select districts 

where irrigation was assured. 

• The results were promising and the programme wa


• Thus, Green Revolution was born in the country paving way for self-

sufficiency in food grain production. 

• Increased food grain production was made possible by an increase 

area cultivated with HYV of rice and wheat as also an increase in the 

yield of these major cereal crops. 

• The food situation has steadily improved over a period of 65 years.

• Area under food grain cultivation has grown to 122 million hectares, 

with an increase of fivefold increase in food grain production.

• Yield of food grains has increased four-fold between the time of 

independence and at present.

• Tamil Nadu has adopted an ‘Universal’ PDS, the 

rest of the states in India had a ‘Targeted’ PDS. 

• Under universal PDS all the family ration card 

holders are entitled to the supplies from PDS. 

• In the targeted PDS, the beneficiaries are 

identified based on certain criteria and given 

their entitlements, leaving out the rest. 

• Both the Union and the State governments 

subsidised the supplies distributed through PDS. 

• The level and quantum of subsidy also varied 

across states

• Consumer cooperatives play an important 

role in the supply of quality goods at 

responsible rates to common people. 

• There is a three-tier structure of consumer 

cooperative societies in India. 

• They are primary consumer cooperative 


• This scheme is playing an important role in 

food security in India. 

• For example out of all fair price shops running 

in Tamil Nadu, around 94% are being run by 



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