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CIVICS X STD State Government PPT PDF


• The Constitution of India envisages for 

a federal government, having separate 

systems of administration for the 

union and the states.

• There are 28 states, 9 union 

territories and one national capital 

territory known as Delhi in India.

• It lays down a uniform structure for 

the State Government, in part VI of 

the constitution from Article 152 to 

237, which is applicable to all the 


 The Governor

• The Governor is the constitutional head of the state executive. 

• The Governor of a State shall be appointed by the President. 

• His usual term of office is five years. 

• He can also resign any time by addressing his resignation to the 



• He should be a citizen of India. 

• He must have completed 35 years of age.

• He should not be a member of Parliament or of any State Legislature. 

If he is a member of any of Legislature, he automatically vacates his 

seat on assuming the office.

• He should not hold any other profitable occupation.

Powers and Functions of the Governor

The Governor is the head of the state executive and he has enormous 


Executive Powers 

• He appoints the leader of the majority party in the State Legislative 

Assembly as the Chief Minister of the State. 

• He appoints other members of the Council of Ministers on the 

recommendation of the Chief Minister. 

• He appoints the Chairman and Members of the State Public Service 


• He acts as the chancellor of universities in the state.

DOWNLOAD PDF PPT Legislative Powers

• He has the right to summon, prorogue the state legislature and 

dissolve the State Legislative Assembly. 

• He can address the state legislature at the commencement of the first 

session after each general election and the first session of each year.

• He can send messages to the houses of the state legislature relating 

to a bill pending in the legislature. 

• He can appoint any member of the Legislative Assembly to preside 

over its proceedings when the offices of both the Speaker and the 

Deputy Speaker fall vacan

Financial Powers 

• Money Bills can be introduced in the Legislative Assembly only with 

his prior recommendation. 

• He can make advances out of the state Contingency Fund to meet any 

unforeseen expenditure. 

Judicial Powers

• He appoints the Attorney-General of the State. 

• He makes appointment, postings and promotions of the District 

Judges in consultation with the State High Court. 

• He can pardon, commute or reprieve punishment on receipt of 

appeals for mercy except death sentence.

Privileges of the Governor

• The Governor of a State, is not be answerable to any court for the 

exercise and performance of the powers and duties of his office or for 

any act done or purporting to be done by him in the exercise and 

performance of those powers and duties.

• No process for the arrest or imprisonment of the Governor of a State, 

shall issue from any court during his term of office


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